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THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN WARTIME. Norman Rockwell: Four Freedoms Poster series FDR's Jan. 1941, "Four Freedoms" speech inspired the series of paintings.

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2 Norman Rockwell: Four Freedoms Poster series FDR's Jan. 1941, "Four Freedoms" speech inspired the series of paintings translated the abstract concepts of freedom into four scenes of everyday American life publicly circulated when The Saturday Evening Post commissioned and reproduced the paintings served as the centerpiece of a massive U.S. war bond drive and a way to help explain the war's aims



5 Rosie the Riveter the icon Rosie the Riveter was created to satisfy the shortage of workers in war industries created by WWII the government created the Rosie the Riveter propaganda campaign to overcome the opposition by men and women to the idea of women in the workforce The icon became a –tribute to the more than 6 million women who entered the work force during World War II. –symbol of importance of female industrial workers The image most iconically associated with Rosie is J. Howard Miller's famous poster for Westinghouse, entitled We Can Do It! (at right), which was modeled on Michigan factory worker Geraldine Doyle in 1942.J. Howard Miller WestinghouseMichiganGeraldine Doyle1942

6 Rosie the Riveter Subsequently, a song by Redd Evans and John Jacob Loeb, entitled Rosie the Riveter, was released in early 1943.Redd Evans John Jacob Loeb

7 Rosie the Riveter The final connection between the name of Rosie and the character was made by Norman Rockwell for his cover for the May 29, 1943 Saturday Evening Post, which depicted a different Rosie (model Mary Doyle Keefe)Norman RockwellMay 291943Saturday Evening Post Note the copy of Hitler's autobiography under her feet.Hitler It is not clear whether Rockwell had seen the Miller poster (click here for Norman Rockwell's "Rosie" & historic background info on the topic) (click here for Norman Rockwell's "Rosie" & historic background info on the topic)

8 Minorities in Wartime Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, American Indians joined military and fought WWII –Blacks largely segregated in armed forces Segregation = discrimination

9 1943 Zoot Suit Riots Growth of minority neighborhoods = tension, conflict 4-day riot in L.A. White sailors attacked –nearby Mexican-American neighborhood –young Mexican Americans = pachucos Police did nothing to stop the servicemen and sometimes joined in When Hispanics fought back the police arrested them LA passes law forbidding wearing zoot suit

10 See 1940s Los Angeles See Zoot Suit culture



13 The Interment of Japanese Americans









22 President Clinton presents Fred Korematsu with a Presidential Medal of Freedom during a ceremony at the White House on January 15, 1998.

23 VIDEO : HOMEFRONT REMINDER !!! Great Topics for Research Paper - Security vs. Liberty (civil rights during wartime) -Japanese Internment - Zoot Suit Riots - Navajo Code Talkers (modern Native American movement)

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