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Introducing Personal Learning Plan

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Personal Learning Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Personal Learning Plan

2 Personal Learning Program
It is about sharing Personal Learning Program PLP helps you: Explore the 7 Capabilities Understand what your strengths & challenges Develop personal strategies to succeed Be more self aware Builds your self-management skills Articulate your personal and learning goals Identify areas you need to improve Set out your goals for the future Success = Grade C or

3 Understand what your strengths & challenges
Develop personal strategies to succeed Be more self aware Builds your self-management skills Articulate your personal and learning goals Identify areas you need to improve Set out your goals for the future

4 It is about sharing

5 First Compulsory Stage 1 Course Towards NTCET
Success = Grade C or

6 7 Challenge YOU Develop YOU Make Decisions about YOU
Personal Learning Program EXPLORING 7 Numeracy The Capabilities Information & Communication Technology Literacy Personal and Social Ethical Understanding Creative and Critical thinking Intercultural Understanding Challenge YOU Develop YOU Make Decisions about YOU Find YOUR Capabilities

7 Learn about yourself! Explore your personal learning styles, values,
and interests. Understand and develop your capabilities. Reflect on, evaluate, and improve your learning.

8 Explore Career Pathways!

9 Practise decision-making skills!

10 Develop effective communication skills.

11 and set goals to lead you in the right direction!

12 Until You Spread Your Wings, You’ll Have No Idea How Far You Can Walk.

13 Persevere and find...

14 Students complete 4 TASKS
PERSONAL LEARNING PROGRAM 7 CAPABILITIES - literacy, numeracy, information and communication technology, critical and creative thinking, personal and social, ethical understanding, intercultural understanding 2 Assessment Types Students complete 4 TASKS Folio Assessment Type 1 Review Assessment Type 2

15 PLP Program Overview Assessment Type 1 – Folio 75%
Presentation Options Performance Standards Task 1 Career Pathway Plan Identify a Personal Goal and a Learning Goal, link career goal to a capability, draft and develop strategies, seek feedback and make relevant adjustments Table Blog Word Doc up to 750 words Develop Personal Goal and Learning Goals DP1 & DP 2 Task 2 The Capabilities and Me Explore 3 selected Capabilities by definition, skills involved, importance to you, experiences new and old learnings and add imagery Poster, PowerPoint, Weebly include images, 750 words Multimodal, Video, Interview - 5 min Understanding the Capabilities UC 1 Task 3 Mock Interview and Reflection Practice interview – include resume, cover letter and interview questions. Seek and reflect on feedback, your strategies, challenges and changes. Poster – Mind map DP 2 & DP 3 Assessment Type 2 – Review 25% Task 4 My Learning in Review Review both your Personal Goal and Learning Goal development, successes, strengths and challenges linked to your chosen capabilities and how you see these in your future. Interview – audio recording answering review questions - 6 min Q & A responses Word Doc- up to 750 words Reviewing the Learning RL 1 & RL 2

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