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Introduction to Multi Criteria Analysis MCA

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1 Introduction to Multi Criteria Analysis MCA

2 Multi Criteria Analysis
MCA: aims to rank alternative strategies when the effect of these strategies cannot be translated into one single measuring scale Score card: represent the impacts of alternative strategies on criteria Wt. Alt.1 Alt.2 Alt.3 Criterion 1 1 good v. good bad Criterion 2 2 +++ -- Criterion 3 1.5 5.5 9 Criterion 4 - 0.2 - 0.3 + 0.5 Criterion 5 3 20,000 50,000 30,000 Total score ???

3 Multi Criteria Analysis
Steps: Generation of alternatives Formulation of criteria Filling score card Standardization of scores Application of weights Ranking of Alternatives Sensitivity analysis cautions Avoid double counting (e.g. groundwater level and cost of pumping) Specification of units (negative or positive, best or worst) Score cards represent one scenario Score card are made for one time horizon Be aware of uncertainties

4 Multi Criteria Analysis
Approaches: Weighted sum method Pairwise comparison (concordance index) Standardization Methods Subjective/qualitative scores can be translated into 1-10 scale For Quantitative scores the following formula can be applied:

5 Multi Criteria Analysis
Weighted Sum: Wt. Alt.A Alt.B Criterion 1 1 0.9 *1 0.2*1 Criterion 2 2 0.4*2 0.7*2 Criterion 3 0.6*2 Wtd Sum 2.5 2.8

6 MCA Example The following table include some data about the different technologies for brackish water purification. We wish to select which technology is best for Gaza ?? Criteria Wt. Brackish EDR Brackish RO Barckish IX capital cost 130000 100,000 110000 O&M cost ($/m3) 0.3 0.25 0.35 recovery rate (%) 95% 70% 97% suitability to gaza water moderate high low quality of water (TDS) 100 150 250 environmental impacts -1 -3 -2 availability of membranes and chemicals

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