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How to be an effective Learning Helper in the classroom

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1 How to be an effective Learning Helper in the classroom

2 Requirements Working with Children’s Check Sign in at the front office
Arrive 10 minutes early if possible Be active in the classroom You are there to help all students in the class Be professional in your interactions with students and staff Turn your phone to silent

3 How can I support learning in the classroom?
Support and encourage students by praising their efforts. Assist students to complete set activities and games. Encourage children to work quietly and remain on task. Help solve any simple problems which may arise. Talk about their work and encourage them by giving them ideas and suggestions. Question students about their work. Have high expectations and praise positive behaviours. If in doubt, always ask the teacher.

4 What issues should I be aware of?
Beware of making judgements All children can learn Children learn at different rates Children have different learning needs.

5 Confidentiality The privacy of both parents and children must be respected at all times. Do not mention the names of children or teachers with whom you are working with in front of your own children or other parents. Children can easily be hurt by apparently harmless remark from their peers or other children.

6 What will I be asked to do?
Assist in the classroom under the direction of the classroom teacher by: Working with small groups of children Working with individual students Supervise learning activities. Your support in the classroom will ensure that children remain on task while the teacher is working with other groups

7 Literacy Sessions During literacy sessions you may be involved in activities related to: * Speaking and Listening * Reading * Writing

8 Speaking and Listening
We want our students to be successful communicators who: Communicate effectively by demonstrating social conventions i.e. looks at speaker, waits for turn to speak, maintains eye contact with the speaker Listen attentively to others and responds accordingly Follow instructions carefully and accurately Use varied vocabulary that is age specific Ask questions for clarification Speak confidently in full sentences Use correct tone and volume appropriate to the situation Use grammatically correct sentence structure. Use their words to express their feelings and needs.

9 How can I support the development of Speaking and Listening in the classroom?
Support students to follow oral instructions by repeating them Encourage all students to participate in group or class discussion Encourage active listening skills Promote the idea of sharing with each other and taking turns Use open-ended questions e.g. instead of “Did you like that story?” which will give you a YES or NO answer ask “Which part of the story was your favourite?”

10 Reading Reading is the construction of meaning from what is read.
The purpose of reading is not merely to sound out words but to gain and understand the author’s message. Young readers may tune out and not engage with the text if they are not constructing meaning. Successful readers predict what is to come based on their understanding of the content, knowledge of language and the information contained in the print.

11 Book Introduction Talk about the cover – title, author, pictures
Browse through the pictures in the book and discuss events Introduce any unusual or unfamiliar vocabulary

Hearing children read The 3 Ps – PAUSE, PROMPT, PRAISE

13 PAUSE Before responding it is important that classroom helpers first wait, giving the child time to try to work out the word for themselves.

14 PROMPT Encourage the child to look at the pictures
Ask: What word might make sense? What does it start with? What would sound right? If the word makes sense – allow the child to continue reading. If the word doesn’t make sense – encourage the child to have another try or tell the child the word.

15 PRAISE It is important that children are praised and encouraged for their efforts. Try comments like: I like the way you… Well done… That’s really great… You must have been practising… You did a lot of work today…

16 Writing A writer needs: A reason to write
Someone to write to – audience Knowledge of a variety of writing forms to use e.g. letter, list, note, instructions, story To know when correct spelling and neatness are important.

17 Some examples of Writing activities learning helpers may be involved in:
Thinking about writing Listening to children read their writing Creating sentences, stories, poems Word/letter games Publishing Handwriting Spelling activities

18 Listening to children read their writing
Praise efforts Ask “What do you want it to say?”

19 Handwriting Ensure children know what to do
Remind students not to rush and to form letter properly Praise and encourage efforts

20 Enjoy the experience!

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