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Level 3 Award in Pre / Post Natal Exercise Programming Design

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Presentation on theme: "Level 3 Award in Pre / Post Natal Exercise Programming Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Level 3 Award in Pre / Post Natal Exercise Programming Design

2 Aims of the session By the end of the session the learner should have an understanding of The effects of barriers to exercise for the pre / post natal client

3 Learning Outcomes By then end of the session the learner should be able to State 2 barriers/concerns which the exerciser would have to overcome

4 Barriers to Exercise Exercise during the pre / post natal period brings with it a host of potential barriers that would not normally be faced by a regular client, It is important to be able to identify these barriers and then determine how to move forward appropriately.

5 Barriers to Exercise What barriers would the pre natal woman experience?

6 Barriers to Exercise These barriers fall into one of five categories
Disapproval, Discomfort or pain, Embarrassment, Fatigue, Medical complications.

7 Barriers to Exercise Disapproval Family & friends may encourage rest and inactivity during pregnancy in an effort to protect during a fragile time of life, This was the attitude towards pregnancy for many years – take care and be empathetic in dispelling this myth.

8 Barriers to Exercise Discomfort or Pain A pregnant client who experiences pain or discomfort needs to be treated with empathy and patience, By understanding and trying to find activities that do not aggravate, but allow for more enjoyment

9 Barriers to Exercise Embarrassment Changes in body shape and size needs to be sensitively managed, Use quieter area’s of the gym and use equipment they are comfortable with.

10 Barriers to Exercise Fatigue Be sensitive to the addition of a new life growing within, this can be tiring especially in the 1st & 3rd trimester, May wish to offer dietary or sleep advice that may assist in increasing energy, Identify what parts of the day they feel most energetic and plan to train at these times.

11 Barriers to Exercise Medical complications Some medical conditions may require the pregnant client to cease all exercise. Where a health complaint is present but exercise is allowed

12 Barriers to Exercise

13 Barriers to Exercise Unit 1, Q 10 Now give 2 real or perceived barriers / concerns that pre / post natal clients may have about taking part in physical activity and how you could overcome them.

14 Quick Quiz

15 Quick Quiz ALL


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