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Design & Compensation via Root Locus

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Presentation on theme: "Design & Compensation via Root Locus"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design & Compensation via Root Locus

2 Contents Compensation Lead Compensation Lag Compensation
Lag-Lead Compensation

3 Compensation Used to Improve the performance of stable or unstable systems. Plant G ( S ) Compensator c H -

4 Lead Compensation Used to Improve the Transient behavior of the system. Plant G ( S ) Compensator c H -

5 Lead Compensation Consider the Following Unity feedback system k=4
z=[]; usys=zpk(z,p,k) rlocus(usys) csys=feedback(usys,1) [wn b]=damp(csys) sgrid(b,wn) axis([ ]) Lead Compensation contd…

6 Design Requirements It is desired to increase ωn to 4 rad/sec without changing damping ratio of closed loop poles. k=4 p=[ ] z=[]; usys=zpk(z,p,k) rlocus(usys) wn=[2 4]; b=[ ]; sgrid(b,wn) axis([ ]) Lead Compensation contd…

7 Lead Compensator (Follow the Class Work)
kc=4.68 pc=-5.4 zc=-2.9 lc=zpk(zc,pc,kc) ltiview(lc) Lead Compensation contd…

8 Pzmap of Lead Compensator
Lead Compensation contd…

9 Bode plot of Lead Compensator
Lead Compensation contd…

10 Compensated Vs Uncompensated System
Root locus of Compensated & uncompensated Systems b=0.5; wn=[2 4]; ku=4 pu=[ ] zu=[ ]; usys=zpk(zu,pu,ku) k=18.7 p=[ ] z=-2.9 csys=zpk(z,p,k) rlocus(usys, ‘g’,csys,’b’) Sgrid(b,wn) Lead Compensation contd…

11 Root locus of Compensated & uncompensated Systems
Compensated Vs Uncompensated System Uncompensated compensated Lead Compensation contd…

12 Compensated Vs Uncompensated System
Response of compensated & Uncompensated system numu=4; denu=[ ]; numc=[ ]; denc=[ ]; csys=tf(numc,denc); usys=tf(numu,denu); ltiview(usys, ‘g:’,csys,’b’) Lead Compensation contd…

13 Compensated Vs Uncompensated System
Pzmap of Compensated & Uncompensated System Uncompensated compensated Lead Compensation contd…

14 Compensated Vs Uncompensated System
Step response of Compensated & Uncompensated System Uncompensated compensated Lead Compensation contd…

15 Compensated Vs Uncompensated System
Bode plot of Compensated & Uncompensated System Uncompensated compensated Lead Compensation contd…

16 limit(f(x),x,0) Compensated Vs Uncompensated System
Steady State Error of Compensated & Uncompensated System According to final value theorem Steady state error is given by In MATLAB limit(f(x),x,0) Returns the limit of a function f(x) as x Lead Compensation contd…

17 clear syms s numu=4 denu=s^2+2*s Gu=numu/denu numc=18.7*s+54.23
Compensated Vs Uncompensated System Steady State Error of Compensated & Uncompensated System clear syms s numu=4 denu=s^2+2*s Gu=numu/denu numc=18.7*s+54.23 denc=s^3+7.4*s^2+10.8*s Gc=numc/denc kvu=limit(s*Gu,s,0) kvc=limit(s*Gc,s,0) essu=1/kvu essc=1/kvc Lead Compensation contd…

18 Exercise#1 Repeat the same tutorial using SISO Design tool. Exercise#2 Design another lead compensator for the same system and compare the results.

19 End of tutorial You can download this tutorial from:

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