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LNG Workshop Bilbao, March 13th 2009 GLE.

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1 LNG Workshop Bilbao, March 13th 2009 GLE

2 GLE members Operating LNG Terminals LNG Terminals under construction
REN-ATLANTICO LNG Terminals under construction Projected/Announced LNG Terminals GLE

3 GLE members GLE

4 LNG terminals in Europe
Existing LNG Terminals LNG Terminals under construction/ committed LNG Terminals under study/planned LNG plays different roles in each EU country. LNG regulation differs in each MS depending on national needs and particularities. GLE

5 Introduction At the XV Madrid Forum meeting (6th–7th November 2008) the Commission asked all interested stakeholders to provide detailed comments to the Staff Working Document on LNG by the end of January 2009. GLE welcomes again the opportunity to respond to this document and hopes the Commission finds GLE contribution constructive. GLE submitted its comments by the end of January 2009. GLE

6 Introduction GLE is willing to support the EC’s initiative to further progress on a number of action points. GLE announced the organisation of the workshop at the XV Madrid Forum. This invitation is addressed at the XV Madrid Forum conclusions: “GLE offered to support the work on these points by organizing a workshop with stakeholders and ERGEG in March The findings of the workshop will be reported to the next Forum.” GLE

7 GLE contribution 25th July 2007  meeting between ERGEG and GLE under the informal consultation launched by ERGEG on the “Preliminary GGPLNG”. 23rd January 2008  submission of GLE’s response to GGPLNG public consultation. 3rd April 2008  meeting with MVV Consulting. 2nd May 2008  submission of GLE’s response to the Draft Guidelines on Article 22 developed by ERGEG. 6th June 2008  submission of GIE’s response to the Commission Draft Staff Working Document on Article 22. 31st January 2009  submission of GLE’s response to the Commission Draft Staff Working Document on LNG. GLE

8 GLE Position Papers GLE continues to support efforts to outline common operational areas, definitions and procedures. Several papers have been issued expressing GLE’s position: Capacity Methodology Calculation, Ship Approval Procedure, Roles and Responsibilities, LNG Common Glossary, Services offered by Terminal Operators, and GLE position paper on LNG business. GLE

9 Importance of LNG LNG plays a key role in the European Energy Policy in terms of SoS, supply diversification and enhancement of competition. GLE has already expressed in previous documents its full support to the CEER/ERGEG initiative to assess whether a proposal for the development of guidelines for access to LNG terminals at a European level is appropriate or not. The application of some basic rules is a key point in order to increase the role and the contribution of LNG in the development of effective competition and the internal gas market. GLE

10 LNG Action Points Any further action on LNG shall aim at avoiding an unstable regulatory framework with particular regard to the rules concerning LNG terminals that would hinder the LNG market development. LNG business should not be constrained in a binding and detailed European regulatory regime. In order to avoid any detrimental situation and distortion of the market, the EC shall take into account: the specificity of regulation applied in each country, the technical characteristics, and specific business models of the existing LNG terminals. GLE

11 GLE willingness GLE has already expressed at the XV Madrid Forum its willingness to: Collaborate with ERGEG to monitor the GGPLNG; and Cooperate with the European Commission in any other areas covered by the proposed action points where the contribution of GLE might be valuable. GLE

12 Thank you for your attention!

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