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Welcome to Mrs. Dillon’s Advanced Honors Integrated II and Advanced Honors Geometry Class!
The bones of a good classroom
The 3 Be’s Grading Policy Cell phone policy Agenda Use Organization of the classroom Expectations with Notes Expectations with Substitute Teachers Tutoring Opportunities OneDrive and School Make-Up Work
The 3 Be’s of the classroom
1. Be Respectful Share the talking space while having discussions and respect all opinions given. Treat all students and teachers like you would treat yourself. Follow instructions the 1st time given. Treat all school property better than you would treat your own (desks, calculators…) The TEACHER dismisses class, not the bell.
2. Be Responsible Come to class prepared with all materials needed for class: Integrated Math II notebook/Geometry Notebook Textbook HW if assigned Your BRAIN DO your best on every single assignment. We cannot grow without giving an effort. Be accountable for all actions. Arguing is NOT an option. Show all work on assignments where necessary. NO WORK = NO CREDIT CIRCLE AND HIGH LIGHT ALL ANSWERS!
3. Be Here Be in your seat and on task WHEN the bell rings with all proper materials, not after. Take notes and pay attention during class. NO SLEEPING Attend class regularly. How are you supposed to learn if you are not here? If absent from class, it is YOUR responsibility to get any missing work or notes from class. Be Active in class. Take charge of your education! Give it your ALL every single day. You control your success.
Grading Policy
Advanced Honors Grading Policy
70% Assessments (Includes tests, benchmark tests, & projects) 20% Quizzes 10% Assignments (Includes homework, tasks, & class work) Homework can be grades as either completion or completeness. Late Work will be penalized 10 pts per day it is late. Block days count as 2 days.
NO Redos on Benchmark Tests or Midterm Test
ONLY Redos on tests or quizzes with a grade lower than a 70. In order to redo a test or quiz then students must do the following: Retest should be scheduled within 1 week of receiving the graded test. Remediation must be completed before retest is given. Highest grade on retake is a 75.
Make – Up Work Policy It is the student’s responsibility to get any missing notes or work they may have. All made up assignments must be turned in within 5 days of returning to school. Assignments due on the day of an absence are due the next school day. Students who miss quizzes or tests must schedule a time to come take the exam that they missed, Make – ups will not be given during class time. Assignments will be tracked on an assignment sheet, as well as online through my website.
Hall Pass Usage Students are required to use their own agenda when asking to leave class. NO SHARING AGENDAS Lost agendas can be replaced for $5. It is suggested that students handle all business during the 6-minute transition period between classes.
My Expectations I expect you to come to class every day ready to actively engage in your learning. I expect you to respect everyone equally in this room. I expect you to work cohesively when working in groups, equally contributing to the task at hand. I expect you to give it your all every single day. I expect you to succeed and have fun doing it!
My Promise to You I promise to treat you with the up most respect.
I promise to be open to help in any way that I can. I promise to make this a fun and exciting year!
Tutoring Opportunities
Throughout the school year, my job is to be here to help you however I can! NEVER be afraid to ask for help. BEFORE SCHOOL OPEN TUTORING HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY– 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM. (TUESDAYS WILL BE EXCLUDED FOR MEETINGS)
Cell Phones School policy is that there are only 3 times that you may have your phones out: before 8:05, during your lunch, and after 3:15. UNLESS GIVE PERMISSION TO USE IN CLASS, this classroom is a phone free zone. You will be given ONE warning before being written up for use of cell phone. Repeat offenders will be written up for use as well as continuous disregard to the rule. Charging Phones – You cannot charge your phone in this room UNLESS we are using your device. And no, I do not have a charger you can use. So do not ask.
Substitute Behavior Attendance is important to this class as well as others. Not only for you, but me. I plan on being here every single day and so should you! In the event that I am not here, I expect you to act BETTER than you would if I was even here. Some things to remember on those days: Attendance is taken based on the seating chart. If you are not in your assigned seat at that time, you will be marked absent. Complete all work as assigned and follow all directions given. Leave the room neat and organized with all materials placed back where they should go. All classroom rules and expectations hold NO MATTER WHO IS IN THE ROOM. Any violators will be dealt with upon my return.
Expectations with Notes
Taking notes is vital to your success in my class. How are you suppose to study and review if you do not have anything to look back over? You are expected to keep up with your notes using your Integrated Math Notebook. General rule of thumb: If I have it in my notes, so should you.
OneDrive, Student Email, and Website
We will use a lot of technology throughout the school year, and it is vital that you know how to have access to these tools. Student – Each of you has been provided with a student account. If you do not know how to access this account, let me know, and I can provide you your address. OneDrive – This is a virtual “flash drive” that each of you have access to. I will be sharing a folder with you that will provide you access to hw, and important documents for our class. It is VITAL that you know how to access this folder. Website – Beginning this year, I will be using my website to also give updates to the events in our class as well as update what we have been doing. This will be a great resource if you are absent from class. I will post homework assignments on my web site.
Organization of the Classroom
It is vital that you know where all the important pieces are to the classroom, so let’s take a tour!! Agenda Board Current Events Board Teacher Desk Wall of Fame Vocab Wall Bookcases Supply Tables Tray System
Closing It’s going to be an awesome year and I am so excited to have all of you.
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