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智慧電子應用設計導論(1/3) Arduino

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Presentation on theme: "智慧電子應用設計導論(1/3) Arduino"— Presentation transcript:

1 智慧電子應用設計導論(1/3) Arduino
Chin-Shiuh Shieh (謝欽旭) Department of Electronic Engineering National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan Autumn, 2015 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan

2 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan
Arduino Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino, Autumn, 2014 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan

3 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan
Programming Tools The microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino development environment (based on Processing). Arduino programming language (based on Wiring) Arduino - Software, Arduino - Reference, Autumn, 2014 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan

4 Interaction with Environment
Support a wide variety of digital I/O, analog I/O, sensors, communication modules, … Autumn, 2014 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan

5 Interaction with Environment (cont)
普特企業有限公司, 德源科技,  露天賣家 凱斯電子 (高雄市左營區文學路678號), DigiKey Electronics,  Autumn, 2014 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan

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