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Swine NMP Example.

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Presentation on theme: "Swine NMP Example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Swine NMP Example

2 Speaker Notes: Instructor should have students open up the CNMP and follow through it during the presentation. Required Course Materials: Example Core Curriculum CNMP Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise:

3 Example NMP Contents Speaker Notes:
To be useful for the producer, the regulatory agency, and NRCS, the plan has been divided into 4 sections. The first section is for the producer/farm manager, the second for the regulator, the third and fourth are for plan reviewers and others you may make changes to the plan in the future. Required Course Materials: Example Core Curriculum CNMP Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise:

4 Sites Location Farms # 5 & 6 Farms # 2 & 4 Farm # 3

5 Detailed view

6 Soils & Topographic Maps
Source: US Geological Survey Source: NRCS

7 Crop Rotations Field Id 5 Year Crop Rotation Crop System
Average Yield* NW Wheat/Milo Irrigated 67/100 bu/ac NW Native Grass Dry land 2.64 SE SE 41/40 bu/ac SW SW SW SW SW WNE *5 year County Average Yield (Monton & Stevens, Kansas) Adjusted by 1.2 factor (NRCS 590 Standard)

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