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Positive Communication

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Communication"— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Communication

2 Mindset of a Champion

3 Hidden in a seed

4 Environment

5 Plant A Seed of Success


7 Two Minds Conscious Mind
Part of us that is aware of the world. It makes decisions, thinks, analyses, sets directions as acts as if it is complete control. Logical

8 Unconscious/Subconscious Mind
Has greater influence and accomplish far more than Conscious mind. Most of our natural actions and behaviors are controlled by it: Walking, talking, breathing etc. Intuitive, Creative Real and lasting Learning and Change takes place in Unconscious level All behavioral changes take place in this part of mind.

9 Levels of Mind

10 How Our Mind Works 2 million bits of information per second
Nervous system cannot handle it. So it: Deletes Distorts Generalizes

11 NLP Practitioner Slides Jaipur April 2010
29/04/2019 How Our Mind Works Event Visualise Hear inside Feel inside Say to yourself Internal Senses Filters Generalise Delete Distort Body chemistry State Language Personality traits Behaviour Memories Values & beliefs Decisions Attitudes Results Body language Posture Facial expressions Physiology

12 Read Carefully

13 Some of you still deleted THE

14 Distortion


16 Distortion


18 What is this? Generalization

19 NLP Practitioner Slides Jaipur April 2010
How Our Mind Works NLP Practitioner Slides Jaipur April 2010 29/04/2019 Event 2 Internal Representation Event 1 Visualise Hear inside Feel inside Say to yourself Internal Senses Filters Generalise Delete Distort Body chemistry State Language Personality traits Behaviour Memories Values & beliefs Decisions Attitudes Results Body language Posture Facial expressions Physiology

20 E + R = O Change In Thinking सोचमा परिवर्तन Outcome/Result: नतिजा
Event: घटना + Response: प्रतिकृया __________________ Outcome/Result: नतिजा

21 Perception is Projection
You see the world not as it is but as you are When you change the way you look at things the things you look change Change your thought , you can change the world Event 2

22 Responsibility For Result
You are 100% responsible for all your actions: Success or Failure No Blame Game No person or system can bring success in life: Only YOU


24 Wisdom of the Ancient

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