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Principles of New Media Lev Manovich (2001)

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1 Principles of New Media Lev Manovich (2001)
COM546, YUN LI New Media VS Old Media

2 As wikipedia says, "New media is a term meant to encompass the emergence of digital, computerized, or networked information and communication technologies in the later part of the 20th century."

3 Principle 1 and Principle 2
Numerical Representation (media becomes programmable) Modularity (fractal structure of new media)

4 Consequences of the numerical coding of media and the modular structure of a media object
Automation Variability Transcoding

5 "Not every new media object obeys these principles
"Not every new media object obeys these principles. They should be considered not as absolute laws but rather as general tendencies of a culture undergoing computerization."

6 discussion questions:
What is your definition of new media? What are the key distinctions between the old media and the new media? Is there a dividing line existed between old media and new media?

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