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MEG Summary T. Mori for MEG Collaboration February 9, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "MEG Summary T. Mori for MEG Collaboration February 9, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEG Summary T. Mori for MEG Collaboration February 9, 2005

2 The MEG Collaboration Spokespersons: T.Mori, A.Baldini
Technical Coordinator: S.Ritt Detectors: Beam line: PSI P.-R.Kettle COBRA: KEK/Tokyo W.Ootani Drift Chamber: PSI J.Egger Timing Counter: Genova/Pavia/Roma G. Cecchet Photon Detector: Tokyo/Pisa/KEK S.Mihara Trigger: Pisa M.Grassi DAQ/Elec.: PSI S.Ritt Offline: C.Gatto/S.Yamada/F.Cei

3 Highlights in developments sine July 2004
Beam line Separator, BTS in construction COBRA Fringing field problem ~solved LXe Beam test w/ new PMTs, waveform digitizers, and wire alpha sources Detector cryostat in construction


5 Absolute time of LXe normal gain high gain 110 psec 103 psec 55 MeV
LYSO target Intrinsic from LR analysis depth

6 Background and Sensitivity
Jan 2004 Jan 2005 Gamma Energy (%) * e+ Timing (nsec) 0.1* Gamma Timing <0.23* ~0.15** Gamma Position (mm) * Gamma acceptance >0.4* Muon rate (108/sec) Running Time (107sec) 4.0 Accidental Rate (10-14) # Accidental Events 90% CL Limit (10-13) * Measured **w/ new PMTs More detailed calculation necessary

7 Schedule

8 Changes (~delays) in schedule
Beam line BTS construction LXe Detector cryostat construction PMT delivery new problem arising -- solution foreseen DC Troubles with cathode foil production

9 Noise from Zener diode

10 PMT testing + calibration
2005 2006 J F M A S O N D Beam Time Shutdown MEG COBRA Tests P Field Map Beam Line BTS Test Commiss. Part 2 Tgt Full Test Drift Chamber Proto Inst Full Installation Timing Counter BG TstInst LPT PMT testing + calibration Calorimeter Cryogenics Assembly + Trigger DAQ DC Electr.

11 Manpower

12 Mostly in healthy situation
except: beam line + target Monte Carlo

13 Budget

14 We now have enough money for PMTs!
a new budget for construction in Japan ~400 PMTs additional budget for ~110 PMTs in Italy Then new problems arising… LXe for last 300liters electronics LXe calibration equipment proton beam? PSI

1982 !!

180 cm target-pipe It is the old VDG of the Crystal Ball experiment ! ! they have some problems: old device, max. VDG p-energy is 400 KeV out of resonance: -rate reduced by factor  5000

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