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Marine Ecosystems Climate Variability
and Climate Variability Interannual Time Scales: ENSO Decadal Time Scales: Basin Wide Variability (e.g. Pacific Decadal Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation) Longer Time Scales: Warming trend
Marine Ecosystems Climate Variability
and Climate Variability Interannual Time Scales: ENSO Decadal Time Scales: Basin Wide Variability (e.g. Pacific Decadal Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation) Longer Time Scales: Warming trend
Mean Sea Level Pressure
Negative Phase Positive Phase
Mean Sea Level Pressure
Anomaly PDO Negative Phase Anomaly PDO Positive Phase
SST Anomalies Anomaly PDO Negative Phase SST Anomalies Anomaly PDO Positive Phase
Material on the Pacific Decadal Oscillation connections
to the marine ecosystem is found in: From anchovies to sardines and back: Multidecadal change in the Pacific Ocean Chavez FP, Ryan J, Lluch-Cota SE, et al. SCIENCE 299 (5604): JAN Posted on website (only 7 pages)
Marine Ecosystems Climate Variability
and Climate Variability Interannual Time Scales: ENSO Decadal Time Scales: Basin Wide Variability (e.g. Pacific Decadal Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation) Longer Time Scales: Warming trend
Mean Sea Level Pressure North Atlantic
Iceland Low Azores High
NAO Index = SLP(Azores High) – SLP(Iceland Low)
North Atlantic Oscillation Iceland Low Azores High NAO Index = SLP(Azores High) – SLP(Iceland Low) measured November through March
The North Atlantic Oscillation Index
NAO Index = SLP(Azores High) – SLP(Iceland Low) measured November through March
The North Atlantic Oscillation Index
The NAO index shows large variations from year to year. This interannual signal was especially strong during the end of the 19th century. Sometimes the NAO index stays in one phase for several years in a row. This decadal variability was quite strong at the beginning and end of the 20th century. One might also interpret the recent 30 years as a trend in the NAO index possibly linked to "global warming".
NAO Index = SLP(Azores High) – SLP(Iceland Low)
North Atlantic Oscillation Iceland Low Azores High NAO Index = SLP(Azores High) – SLP(Iceland Low) measured November through March
The positive NAO index phase
The positive NAO index phase shows a stronger than usual subtropical high pressure center and a deeper than normal Icelandic low. The increased pressure difference results in more and stronger winter storms crossing the Atlantic Ocean on a more northerly track. This results in warm and wet winters in Northern Europe and in cold and dry winters in Mediterranean region. The eastern US experiences mild and wet winter conditions. Wet Dry Martin Visbeck 3 May, 2019
The negative NAO index phase
The negative NAO index phase shows a weak subtropical high and weak Icelandic low. The reduced pressure gradient results in fewer and weaker winter storms crossing on a more west-east pathway. They bring moist air into the Mediterranean and cold weather to northern Europe. The US east cost experiences more cold air outbreaks and hence snowy winter conditions. Dry Wet Martin Visbeck 3 May, 2019
SST Anomalies [C] Positive NAO Negative NAO Wet Dry Dry Wet
Stronger Currents more storms Dry Dry fewer storms Wet Weaker Currents Negative NAO
Impacts of the NAO Martin Visbeck 3 May, 2019
Us East Coast Impacts of the NAO
The US East coast experiences milder winter conditions during a positive NAO index phase. The amount of snow cover is reduced. Warmer than usual ocean temperatures cause more frequent occurrence of "red tides" in the summer. Colder than usual tropical ocean temperatures reduce the number of hurricanes in the following summer. Cold ocean temperatures in the spawning grounds over the Grand Banks cause less cod reproduction. Martin Visbeck 3 May, 2019
Impacts of the NAO in Europe
Northern Europe experiences mild and wet winter during the positive NAO index phase. This has dramatic consequences for hydro-electric power generation and heating oil consumption. South-Eastern Europe receives less rain and hence causes significant problems with drinking water supply and reduced stream flow volume in the Middle East. Harvest yield of grapes and olives have been shown to depend significantly on the NAO. Martin Visbeck 3 May, 2019
NAO and significant wave heights
Martin Visbeck 3 May, 2019
NAO and fish catch in the North Atlantic
Topliss, BIO, Canada
Ecological effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation Geir Ottersen, Benjamin Planque, Andrea Belgrano, Eric Post, Philip C. Reid, Nils C. Stenseth Posted on class website (12 pages) …more than 100 documented correlation between NAO and marine ecosystems. How to make sense?
SST Anomalies [C] Positive NAO Negative NAO Wet Dry Dry Wet
Stronger Currents more storms Dry Dry fewer storms Wet Weaker Currents Negative NAO
The response to NAO is classififed into 3 type:
DIRECT - A direct ecological response to one of the environmental parameters synchronised with the NAO. INDIRECT - The indirect effects of the NAO are non-trivial mechanisms that either involve several physical or biological intermediary steps between the NAO and the ecological trait and/or have no direct impact on the biology of the population. INTEGRATED - The integrated effects of the NAO involve simple ecological responses that can occur during and after the year of an NAO extreme. This is the case when a population has to be repeatedly affected by a particular environmental situation before the ecological change can be perceived (biological inertia). or when the environmental parameter affecting the population is itself modulated over a number of years (physical inertia)
Direct Effects Indirect Effects Temperature Mediated Response
Length of active growing season, Individual growth (size), growth rate, eggs variability, timing of reproduction, spawning, time of food availability, larval growth and mortality, Indirect Effects Physically induced by changes in oceanic transport Changes in spatial distribution of phytoplankton and larvae, alteration in competition between different levels of the trophic chain alteration in food web Effects on Predator-Prey Through changes/alteration in the food
Integrated Effects Flowering Fecundity (1 year later)
Abbundance (2 year later) NAO Index Flowering NAO Index Phenology to herbivore dynamics (red deer)
Cartoon of Red Deer correlation with NAO
NAO and Copepods (Calanus Finmarchicus)
Difficult to identify causes of observed relationships Calanus Finmarchicus distribution 1) Changes in food availability 2) Alteration of competition balance 3) Variations in transport of individuals from North Atlantic Calanus Helgolandicus distribution
NAO and global warming Some scientist argue that changes in the stratospheric circulation can influence the phase of the NAO. Ozone depletion and increase of CO2 both result in a strong polar night vortex which might cause the NAO to prefer a positive state. Will "global warming" cause a persistent positive NAO phases? Martin Visbeck 3 May, 2019
Some facts The North Atlantic Oscillation is the largest mode of climate variability in the Atlantic Sector and possibly of the northern hemisphere. The dynamics of the NAO are not fully understood and in partiuclar its sensitivity to ocean, land or changes in the sea-ice conditions need more study. Its impacts reach from the upper atmosphere to the bottom of the ocean and reach from N. America over to Europe and far into Asia. The Ecological Impacts of NAO can be direct, indirect and integrated. Some scientist argue that the NAO is strongly coupled to the stratosphere and will be significantly influenced by "global warming". Other scientist see evidence for coupling with the North Atlantic Ocean. It has also been suggested that tropical ocean temperatures can influence the phase of the NAO. Martin Visbeck 3 May, 2019
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Atlantic Ocean SSTs and the NAO
Some scientist have suggested that the storage and propagation of temperature anomalies by the ocean gives an important feed back to the atmosphere and is responsible for the decadal signal. If correct one could make use of the "slow ocean dynamics" to predict aspects of the NAO. Martin Visbeck 3 May, 2019
NAO and Energy in Norway
Norway experience cold winters during a negative NAO phase. Heating Oil consumption in Norway varies by 30% in good (anti) correlation with the NAO. Correlation with precipitation results in variability in hydropower generation. Martin Visbeck 3 May, 2019
NAO and Water Resources in Turkey and the Middle East
Precipitation in Turkey is well correlated with the NAO. As a result spring stream flow in the Euphrates River varies by about 50% with the NAO. An upward trend in the NAO will lead to drought conditions in the Middle East. Martin Visbeck 3 May, 2019
NAO and stream flow in the US
Correlation Martin Visbeck 3 May, 2019
North Atlantic SST connection
Jacob Aaal Bonnevie Bjerknes NAO related tripole in sea surface temperatures Source: Rowan Sutton and D.B. Stephenson
NAO impact on Atlantic Ocean SSTs
Ocean surface temperatures (SST) changes with the phase of the NAO. During a positive year the ocean warms just east of the US east coast and cools in the subpolar gyre between England, Newfoundland and Iceland. The Gulf stream transports those temperature anomalies downstream towards Europe. Martin Visbeck 3 May, 2019
The ocean is simulated by the Lamont Ocean model (LOAM)
Animation of sea level pressure and surface winds during an idealized NAO cycle of 12 year duration. The lower panel shows the land temperature response and the propagation of SST anomalies in the ocean. The ocean is simulated by the Lamont Ocean model (LOAM) All other data are regressions from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. NAO movie Martin Visbeck 3 May, 2019
NAO forced by Atlantic SST's ?
Some scientist argue that changes in the Atlantic Oceans SST can influence the phase of the NAO. Others argue that changes in the tropical Atlantic influence the extratropical climate. A (small) number argue that the ocean plays no role at all. CLIVAR has decided to make those issues of high programatic priority. Martin Visbeck 3 May, 2019
NAO Prediction No robust predictability has been demonstrated.
Hamilton, University College London No robust predictability has been demonstrated. Different methods are used: SST based => 2001 positive SSA based => negative soon global warming based => stay positive next decades Martin Visbeck 3 May, 2019
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