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Trade Spreads Indian Culture

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1 Trade Spreads Indian Culture
Ch 7 Sec 2

2 Theravada Buddhist sect which honors the traditional ways – Buddha as a Teacher.

3 Mahayana Buddhist Sect who’s Followers bleive in new Buddhist beliefs which saw The Buddha as a god.

4 Stupa A Holy Monument in Buddhism. Usually consisted of a mounded stone structures built over holy relics.

5 Kalidasa One of India’s greatest writers, poet, and play write.
Often referred to as the Indian Shakespeare – Wrote the Shakuntala - A Tragic love story. May have been court poet to Chandra Gupta II ~ 400 A.D.

6 3. How did Buddhism change after Buddha’s Death?
Followers began to interpret Buddha’s teachings on their own – leading to differences. Mahayana Buddhists: Buddha is a god. they argued that a person could become a Buddha called a Bodhisattvas but rather than go to Nirvana – they could elect to remain on Earth and through self-sacrifice do good works and save humanity.

7 Theravada Buddhists Buddha is a Teacher, not a god.
More Traditional Buddhist faith based on strict original teachings.

8 4. What were India’s main trade goods in the 5th Century?
Cloth Grains Ivory Timber Spices Precious Stones Slaves Tortoise Shell

9 5. What were some of India’s contributions to science during the Gupta period?
Proof that the Earth was round (Astronomers noted that the earth’s shadow was round during the lunar eclipse). Modern Numbers 1-9 (called Arabic by the West but they actually came from India). The Concept of ZERO as a mathematical principle The decimal system Calculation of pi (3.14) and the solar year 365 ¼ days. Medical guides: Dissolving sutures!

10 6. What was the most significant effect of the changes in Buddhism and Hinduism during this period? Explain Religion became more personal – more people were able to participate in worship. New Religious enthusiasm inspired many works of art (see Ajanta Caves - next slides). Buddhism and Hinduism spread to other locations – Hinduism to Southeast Asia, Buddhism to China & Japan.



13 Ellora Caves

14 That’s One BIG Buddha!

15 7. Why did Indian culture flourish during the Gupta Empire?
Strong Empires = stability and economic prosperity. When people have MONEY they can buy art. When people are buying art more artists can make a living creating art = A Flourishing of the Arts (A GOLDEN AGE). Also the Emperors supported the arts.

16 Silk Road Trade route through the Steppe Lands of Asia.
Connected China to Mediterranean Sea.

17 Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva 3 of the Main gods in the Hindu faith.
Hinduism is Polytheistic. Brahma - Creator Vishnu – preserver Shiva - destroyer


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