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C Organic Molecules Organic Molecules = Living Molecules

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1 C Organic Molecules Organic Molecules = Living Molecules
You need to be able to Identify and understand the Function/Attributes of the different Molecules. Organic Molecules = Living Molecules Defined by the Presence of Carbon that acts to Hold Together these large, complex molecules. H, N, and O are the other most common elements of Organics. They each have different Properties and dictate how “their” molecules will act. C Carbon The Backbone = Buddy. 3-D, Shares e-, can bond with most other atoms!

2 Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the most abundant and widespread organic molecules on earth and are essential to all living things. Carbohydrates are formed by green plants from carbon-dioxide and water during photosynthesis. Carbohydrates are energy sources and essential structural components.

3 Organic Molecules You need to be able to Identify and understand the Function/Attributes of the different Molecules. Carbohydrates = Sugars. Defined by the presence of lots of Oxygen – specifically 2 H’s per O per C (“Carbo” “Hydrate”). Usually end in the suffix “-ose”. i.e. glucose, sucrose, lactose,… Monosaccharides – C6H12O6 Disaccharides – C12H24O12 Small. Soluble in Water. Easy to Transport. Found in grapes, fruit and honey. Sweet. Bind to your Tastebuds. End in “ose” You Like Them! Energy Sources. Found in Beets and cane sugar Easily Used Broken down. Energy NOW!

4 Organic Molecules You need to be able to Identify and understand the Function/Attributes of the different Molecules. Carbohydrates = Sugars. Defined by the presence of lots of Oxygen – specifically 2 H’s per O per C (“Carbo” “Hydrate”). Polysaccharides Repeated Units of Similar Monosaccharides. LOTS of Sugar Molecules. Found in breads and potatoes Not Sweet! Starch and Glycogen. Soluble Branched Molecules. Energy Storage in Cells. Easily Broken. Cellulose. Straight and Aligned Molecules. Stick Together and Not Soluble. Wood!

5 Testing for Carbohydrates
Testing for the presence of starch (complex sugar) Lugol's reagent (iodine solution) changes from yellowish-brown to dark purple/black. Testing for simple carbohydrates (monosaccharides and some disaccharides) Benedict's solution is used to test for simple carbohydrates. Benedict's solution is a blue colored liquid that contains copper ions. When Benedict's solution and simple carbohydrates are heated, the solution changes to orange red/ brick red.

6 Organic Molecules You need to be able to Identify and understand the Function/Attributes of the different Molecules. Lipids = Fats and Oils. Defined by the near total lack of Oxygen – Defined by their Inability to Dissolve in Water! SLOW ENERGY RELEASE. STORED AS FAT! Triglycerides – The most common fats. Composed of 3 fatty acids – the long molecules made of MANY bonds (monomers) that can be broken (= energy). Held together by a Glycerol molecule. LARGE!

7 Organic Molecules You need to be able to Identify and understand the Function/Attributes of the different Molecules. Lipids = Fats and Oils. Defined by the near total lack of Oxygen – Defined by their Inability to Dissolve in Water! Double Bond. Makes it “Kink”. Saturated Fats. Solid Animal Fats. Straight fatty acids pack tightly together. Energy Storage, Insulation, Protection. Unsaturated Fats. Liquid Plant Oils. Kinked fatty acids pushed apart = Loosely together. Energy Storage, but Oils in Plants.

8 Phospholipds – Surround each cell. Called the Plasma or Cell membrane

9 Cholesterol – In the membrane
Cholesterol – In the membrane. Keeps phospholipids together when it is hot and separated when it is cold.

10 Testing for Lipids Brown paper test As we all know from experience, lipids leave translucent spots (grease spots) on unglazed brown paper bags.

11 Organic Molecules You need to be able to Identify and understand the Function/Attributes of the different Molecules. Proteins. Not Energy Sources typically because Proteins carry out critical functions in the Cell/Body. “R” Group “R” Group Amino Acids are the “building blocks” of Protein. They can bind together with Peptide Bonds. They each possess an exposed “R” group that gives the 20 different amino acids distinct properties.

12 Proteins Fold-Up due to the Interactions of the R-Groups.
Organic Molecules You need to be able to Identify and understand the Function/Attributes of the different Molecules. Proteins. Start as serially connected Amino Acids (the Polypeptide Chain) that then Fold-Up into complex and different shapes. Each Protein works because of their Shape! R r Proteins Fold-Up due to the Interactions of the R-Groups. They can bond together to Fold and Hold their specific shape under the correct circumstances. Hemoglobin →

13 Amino Acids → Polypeptide → Folds-Up → Final Shape
Shape is critical since it determines how the protein will function. If the conditions (pH, temperature, mutation, etc…) change, the shape will render the protein non-functional = BAD!

14 All about putting the Reactants in the correct Position!
Organic Molecules You need to be able to Identify and understand the Function/Attributes of the different Molecules. Proteins. Include Enzymes that act as Biological Catalysts. These critically important molecules vastly increase the speed of Chemical Reactions to keep pace with a Cell’s Needs! All about putting the Reactants in the correct Position!

15 Testing for Proteins Buiret test Buiret solution is a blue liquid that changes to purple when proteins are present and to pink in the presence of short chains of polypeptides. The copper atom of the biuret solution reacts with the peptide bonds to cause the color change.

16 Organic Molecules You need to be able to Identify and understand the Function/Attributes of the different Molecules. Nucleic Acids. The large molecules responsible for carrying Genetic Information. DNA and RNA! P Base B The Bases “ARE” the Genetic Information! Because they are exposed they can be “read” and used to control the Cell/Body. The Sugar and Phosphate act to hold them together. Formed by Nucleotides. These molecules bind together to form huge chains that possess exposed Nitrogen Bases.

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