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Healthy Choices.

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1 Healthy Choices

2 Well-Being The element of personal well-being has developed rapidly over the last two decades. Our world is advancing at an extremely fast rate where many medical and scientific breakthroughs are changing the way we function and live as human beings

3 What defines a healthy person
Exercise: Every person needs to adhere to some form of physical activity at least 3 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes Nutrition: A well balanced diet incorporating all the food groups Quality of Life: The general well-being of individuals and societies Activities of daily living: The things we do in daily living including any activities we do for self-care Vocation: Income,Financial planning Mental / Psychological Health: Discuss

4 Activity 1 On a piece of paper, brainstorm the previously discussed aspects of a healthy person. The object of this task is to see where your short falls are and which area’s you could possiblyimprove on Determine weather our community is healthy or not? List 3 healthy and 3 unhealthy aspects of our community. What does mental / psychological healthentail?Write your points down.

5 Lifestyle Your lifestyle is determined by the choices you make on a day-to-day basis. What factors will effect you lifestyle once you have completed school? In your opinion, what is the most important aspect that would help you live that life you dream of? Discuss vocation, income and cost of living.

6 Goal Setting Goals can be defined as:
Short-term / immediate goals: Passing a test next week Medium-term goals: Improving your overall personal health over the next 9 months Long-term goals: Achieving a good matric in the next 2 years or working your dream job in the next 5 years

7 Goal Setting Activity In pairs, set short, medium and long term goals (in that order) that will improve your health. Be specific when setting goals and remember to be S M A R T S: Specific M: Measurable A: Attainable R: Realistic T: Timely

8 Discussion 1) What made you choose these goals?
2) How will you measure if a goal has been achieved?

9 What are the associated risks with living a sedentary life-style?
Hypertension – High Blood Pressure Myocardial Infarction – Heart Attack Stroke Obesity

10 Benefits of regular exercise
Decrease stress and anxiety Increase secretion of endorphins Decrease risk of life threatening diseases Increase in quality of life Help maintain ability to function throughout the day

11 What is Fitness? Fitness is very subjective and every person will have their own perception of how fit they are in relation to how they live.

12 Types of physical fitness
Cardiovascular fitness: System includes heart and lungs – The ability of this system to supply the body with oxygen Muscular strength: Different types – Explosive: Strength needed for short movement (Start of a 100m sprint) Static strength: Amount of strength a person can apply to an object that is not moving (rugby scrum)

13 Cont... Dynamic strength: Refers to muscular strength needed for endurance over a period of time (running over longdistance) Flexibility: Range of motion round ajoint Determinesthe extent to which a personcan stretch All types of strength are important, but some are more relevant to certain exercises and sports

14 Physicalevaluation Why is it important to know what your currentlevel of health is? What are yourstrengths? What are yourweaknesses? Where do you need toimprove? What and how you need tomaintain? Are there any issues that are presenting – Life-style diseasesetc

15 Physical Cont... Physical evaluation provides valuable information about an individuals current fitness and health level Tests that may be conducted include: Vo2 Max Test Strength Test Flexibility Test Fat percentage Test Stress Test

16 Programmes and adherence
Incorporating an exercise programme is vitally important to increase fitness and maintain function Programmes are designed specifically for the individual Adherence to these programmes is important and will provide many benefits

17 Benefits Elevates your metabolism – burn more calories
Decrease blood pressure Increase HDL’s – Good Cholesterol Improves sleep patterns Increase strength of bones What are some otherbenefits youcan think of?

18 Nutrition Nutrition is a vitally important aspect of living healthy
A well balanced diet not only provides one with the necessary requirements, but also helps maintain correct bodily function and decreases the chance of suffering from a life threatening diseases A person involved in high levels of exercise or any sport should eat correctly and provide their bodies with the fuel to function at peak performance Eating correctly provides better benefits than taking supplements or illegal substances such as steroids

19 Supplements and Steroids
Supplements: Creatine, Mass Builder, Protein Shakes, Fat burners Steroids: Mimic the effects of the male hormone testosterone and increase protein synthesis with in cells which results in a build up of cellular tissue (anaobolism)

20 Why do people use steroids?
Truth: Because they work Steroids are often used to increase muscle size and mass. Athletes or sportsmen take steroids to increase performance Insecurities Greed

21 Myths Taking steroids is like taking a short cut. The benefits may be felt immediately, but in the long run there are many disadvantages to taking such drugs And YES, steroids are drugs!!!! Performance may be enhanced for a short period of time, but is it really your performance?

22 Side Effects of Steroids
Gynecomastia or the development of breast tissue in males

23 Cont... Interfere with cholesterol levels
Production of estrogen (the female sex hormone) Liver damage Depression Unexplained rage Abnormality in bone growth Excessive body odour

24 Acne

25 Is it worth it in the long run?
No it is not The cons outweigh the pros The risks are too high WILL YOU MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE ABOUT BEING HEALTHY

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