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Summary Slide Fusion-Biomass Hybrid Model is a non-electric application of fusion reactor for clean fuel production, diesel and hydrogen. Total daily.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary Slide Fusion-Biomass Hybrid Model is a non-electric application of fusion reactor for clean fuel production, diesel and hydrogen. Total daily."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary Slide Fusion-Biomass Hybrid Model is a non-electric application of fusion reactor for clean fuel production, diesel and hydrogen. Total daily produced heat values of both diesel and hydrogen achieve more than 100% of energy output efficiency comparing to the heat value of biomass. The larger size than 350MW fusion power does not substantially impact lowering the fuel production cost. Profit fluctuation depending on the fusion heat cost shows more sensitive in diesel production than in hydrogen production. Small scale of 365MW GNOME fusion reactor can be adequate size for fusion-biomass hybrid model.

2 What has the fusion community achieved over the past two years?
Where does fusion R&D stand right now? Which critical issues, next steps and/or major challenges definitely need focused attention in the immediate future or medium term in order to ensure avoiding gaps or unnecessary delays/surprises on the way towards the final goal?

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