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To critically review aspects of your provision to an agreed criteria

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1 Minimum Contract Level Support Caroline Wilkinson Peer Review and Self Regulation 29 November 2011

2 To critically review aspects of your provision to an agreed criteria
Peer Review What do we mean by this? Working with: colleagues other organisations partnerships To critically review aspects of your provision to an agreed criteria

3 Peer Review (2) Is this formal or informal? What areas are we talking about? Lesson observations Learning walks Learner voice Stakeholder review Others …

4 Self Regulation Self Assessment as part of the process for quality improvement Who decides what areas will be covered?: The lead The partnerships How will this take place: Quality Team made up of partners Team from selected colleagues based upon expertise and strengths Dictated by the Lead Provider LSIS PRD Team External consultant What is the methodology/system?

5 Self Regulation (2) Is it also related to:
Working with a Beacon College Awarding Body accreditation CRB checking and safeguarding Regulation for your particular sector Peer Review and Development User guide to self assessment and improvement planning:

6 Why undertake Peer Review and Development?
Allows external validation of self assessment judgements Is an independent review by critical friends Provides a safe environment for discussion of development needs even in competitive environment Provides opportunity to import effective practice from others Extends your access to expertise Creates opportunities to build productive relationships and learning Gives an insight into how others work Focuses on improvement and development inlcuding collaboration Demonstrates maturity in the FE system Demonstrates the innovation of FE system in achieving collaboration despite competition

7 Why undertake Peer Review and Development? (2)
Develops staff Delivers organisational improvements which impact on learners Boosts confidence of organisation Helps to develop the ability to be self critical Empowers organisations to act on judgements Is good value for money Supports the development of a reflective learning organisation

8 Monitoring and Evaluation Feedback and Reporting
The PRD Cycle Consider output from Monitoring and evaluation Make changes to approach, planning, roles etc. Roles and responsibilities PRD group protocols Action Plan Develop & agree meeting cycle Establish impact measures Forming the review team – skills needs Skills Development Logistics and preparing documentation Preparing for review Carrying out the review activities Getting started Review Monitor the improvements made to the organisations Evaluate the PRD group’s performance Improve/develop the group activities as appropriate – impact? Feedback to the host organisation Report on the review activities Consideration of recommendations at appropriate level within host organisation Monitoring and Evaluation Feedback and Reporting Design and action the development/improvement plan based on the output of the review Joint activities to develop each others organisations Review/add to impact measures Development Development 8 8

9 Resources Support for Collaborative Contracting
Sub-contracting toolkit Case Studies Toolkits: Managing Risk Partnership Planning and Working Shared Leadership and Governance Shared Services Sub-contracting Quality Management

10 Any questions? Sharing actions you will be taking away ….

11 Resources Support for Collaborative Contracting Case Studies Toolkits:
Managing Risk Partnership Planning and Working Shared Leadership and Governance Shared Services Sub-contracting Quality Management Sub-contracting (Nov 2011) Annual planning and operations cycle (Nov 2011)

12 Wrapping Up We’ll send you evaluation form and a link to the recording
Slides from the seminar will be on the Excellence Gateway You may be be interested in further support from the LSIS MCL Team. A range of resources are available on the Excellence Gateway site Further web seminar events are planned,  you can find details and registration on If you would like to talk to an MCL Partnership Adviser please send an to

13 Minimum Contract Level Support Programme Peer Review and Self Regulation 29 November 2011

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