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Objectives- students will…

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1 Objectives- students will…
Chapter 9 Insights Prior Knowledge- look in notes for questions 1,2,4,5,9,10,11,12,13, Sum 5 (each question worth double participation points) Objectives- students will… Know problems with the Articles of Confederation 1) Identify 3 key weaknesses with the Articles and evaluate why the Articles of Confederation could not work -Know reasons why America had to create a stronger central government 2) Analyze how state governments could not fulfill their prime directive and explain why the country needed a stronger central government Know how the Constitution created a strong central government, yet limited the ability of government to become tyrannical (too powerful) and allow people to still have indirect control of the government 1) Identify the Great Compromise and explain how it is reflected in our federal government today? 2) Explain the 3 branches of government and the role of each branch. 3) Evaluate the Electoral College and how the EC can impact an election. 4) Analyze the debate to ratify the Constitution (identify the Federalists and Anti-Federalist and explain their beliefs)

2 CH 9 Insight ID- Western Land Cessions to the United States (P 172) Summary 1)- What does the word ceded mean? To give up/give away OI- Creating a Confederation 1) What was the Articles of Confederation? 1st national government of the US 2) What was the advantage of the landed states in the west? Could sell their land to raise money 3) Maryland refused to sign the Articles of Confederation. Why did Maryland change its mind? Virginia and New York gave up their land claims in the west What disadvantage would landless state be put in if it could not have raised money if it by selling land?

3 ID- Statehouse in 1778 (p 173) Summary 2- What were two important events that happened at Independence Hall? Declaration of Independence, Constitutional Convention OI- The Articles of Confederation: America’s First Constitution 4) What is a problem with each state having one vote? States with small populations have as much power as states with larger populations (minorities can rule over majorities 5) How many states needed to approve a new law? 9/13 6) Why was “the anemic Articles of Confederation significant stepping stone toward the Constitution?” 1st attempt at some form of national government in a system where the states saw themselves as independent nations Why are states and people so afraid of a strong government?

4 ID-Socials tensions reached a fever pitch during Shay’s Rebellion ( 176)
Summary 3- How were the farmers going to free themselves from debt? Burn Boston and any evidence that the farmers owe money OI- The Horrid Specter of Anarchy 7) Identify one battle between individual states? Boundaries between states Printing worthless money Taxes between states over trade 8) What were the demands of the farmers in Western Mass. of the government (Mass.)? Print more money, lower taxes, and stop taking over debtors property Do these sound like responsible ideas? Explain why or why not? Do the people know what is best for government or elected officials?

5 9) What was the response of the Mass government?
Mass. Raised an army and began fighting against farmers/protestors 10) Think-Why did Shay’s Rebellion prove that the Articles needed to be changed? Showed the need for a strong central government that could enforce laws and keep people safe What do you feel would have happened in the States if a stronger Government was not created? Imagine a situation that could have happened and explain how a stronger government could solve that problem?

6 ID- Signing the Constitution of the United States (180) Summary 4- Who was considered the father of the Constitution? James Madison OI- Hammering Out a Bundle of Compromises 11) How was representation per state in the federal government based in the Virginia plan? Representation based on population 12) How was representation per state in the federal government based in the New Jersey Plan? Equal representation per state 13) How did the Great Compromise make… a) Large states happy? House of Representatives- representation based on population b) Small states happy? Senate- 2 representatives per state

7 ID-Struggle over Ratification (184)
Summary 5- What areas supported the Constitution and what areas were against the Constitution? Federalists- supported constitution (coastal areas) Anti-Federalists- against constitution (inland areas) Why do you think coastal areas want more government and inland areas want less? (Think of the types of people who live in each area.) OI- The Clash of Federalists and Anti-Federalists 14) Why were many Americans wary of the Constitution? Afraid of an all powerful government (like a King) 15) Describe types of people supported the Constitution? Businessmen, wealthy, educated 16) Think- why do you think those people in question 15 supported a Constitution? Wanted a strong government that could protect their wealth, business, and property

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