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WISE-Marine MSFD reporting data access tools - planned improvements -

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1 WISE-Marine MSFD reporting data access tools - planned improvements -
Irene del Barrio (EEA) October 1, 2018 18th meeting of WG DIKE, Brussels WISE-Marine MSFD reporting data access tools - planned improvements -

2 SEARCH ENGINE General: currently shows all info reported to CDR by countries (including information superseded) Some missing information: pending technical errors in harvesting routines from past reporting exercises. Action: Bilbomática to solve by December PROPOSED CHANGES: to show only the files that have been assessed by the Commission + later updates (e.g. updates of Article 9 and 10 during Article 11 and Article reporting exercises) to include in all records a field “Date reported” MRUs: currently searchable through the 2012 reporting tab To make them searchable in each tab, where only those that have been reported under each article would be shown Spatial data: MRUs from 2018 will be discoverable through a WFS MRUs from 2012 should be included?

3 STORY MAP Currently missing and will be added: hydrography, underwater noise, regional efforts and cooperation/coordination, etc. The tool is to make the reporting information available to the general public: the terminology and figures used currently are not necessarily understandable by non-msfd people, therefore they will be revised and improved. Improvements in the figures already identified (titles, labelling, colour codes, legends, order of the information displayed, etc.), as well as harmonisation. Text and key messages must be further elaborated, based on the reporting information. The map will be changed to show: % of area per (sub)region where GES has been achieved for the different combinations of GEScomponent-Feature.

4 DASHBOARDS Missing dashboards on hydrographical changes and underwater noise Improvements in performance is expected when data are read from the SQL db Whenever possible, labels will be used instead of codes Logical order will be used, rather than alphabetical, e.g. Element status: Good, Good-risk, Not good, Unknown, Not assessed A title will be added to the maps, to clarify what is being displayed Graph colours: will be revised, to avoid confusion on the different results displayed

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