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The objective of todays lecture is to have FUN!. I need to revamp my wardrobe! SUIT ME UP.

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Presentation on theme: "The objective of todays lecture is to have FUN!. I need to revamp my wardrobe! SUIT ME UP."— Presentation transcript:

1 The objective of todays lecture is to have FUN!

2 I need to revamp my wardrobe! SUIT ME UP

3 Should I go ahead and just buy suits? Or should I think carefully before I spend my money?

4 I can… Go to a store, look at the models (prototype), then buy Or, I can think thoroughly, then decide what I need to do? Which strategy would you follow? Why?

5 To wear suits…or not to wear suits? That is the question!

6 Suits Development Life Cycle Identify, Justify, and Plan Create a blue print/design Getting the suits (development) Test, try, and integrate with other clothes operate, maintain, and update

7 Identify Justify and Plan What is the problem with my clothes? Why do I need to buy new clothes? How many suits should I plan to buy?

8 Identify, Justify, and Plan Identify the problem: – Worn out – Do not fit me (gained weight) – Out of Fashion/not COOL any more! I need new suits because: – I want to look different than everyone else! – I work in the Academic world – I need to lecture in classes, attend meetings and formal dinners I plan to buy: – 5 suits

9 Who should do the steps mentioned above?

10 I did it after consulting with Qasem (brother) and Aaya (Daughter)

11 Create Blue Print/Design Material requirement (soft, durable, Prestigious…etc) Colors choices (black, navy, gray, beige,..etc) Style followed (#buttons, pants, pockets..etc) Size and Scalability

12 Who should do the steps above?

13 How can I get these suits? Lets try to come up with as many options as we can.

14 Getting the suits In house development (me, Aaya, or mom)? Customize at tailor? Buy it from store? Lease it from store? I can partner with my brother and wear his suits? I can join a website with people sharing their suits?

15 I got the suits… What should I do next?

16 Test, Try and Integrate with other clothes Testing – Unit: Parts individually (pants, jackets, vests…etc) – Integration: All parts together (the whole suit) – Usability: Test it with other clothes (i.e. ties, shoes, shirts, coats…etc) – Acceptance: Test it against my needs (class, meetings, formal dinners..etc)

17 Wear, Clean, and Fix if needed After wearing, all suits must be dry cleaned In some cases, need to fix suit if they shrink or stretch

18 Lets focus on suits development strategies

19 Suits development strategies 1.In-house/insource 2.Buy 3.Lease/outsource

20 1) In house/Insource development This will require me, mom, or Aaya to tailor the suit from scratch. We can build from components (and then put together) Use my old suits and try to fix them Problems (reusability and interoperability) Advantages and disadvantages?

21 2) Buy the suits (Turnkey approach) Advantages – Cheap – Saves time – No tailor required – I know how it looks like – New selection comes out quite often. Disadvantages – Not what I want – Cant modify – No control over look – Shop may not return – Shop may close for good

22 3) Outsource/lease the suit Advantages of outsourcing: – They will have to meet my needs – Theyre doing everything on behalf of me Disadvantages of outsourcing: – Further changes can be costly – They go out of business, Im doomed! Leasing is an option, cheap, and nice, but if I need it for an emergency, its not there!

23 Now replace the word suits with software (e.g., EC applications, websites, and so on) Read Chapter 11, sections 1, 2, and see if it makes any sense!

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