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Jeopardy America in WWI America After WWI Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy America in WWI America After WWI Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy America in WWI America After WWI Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100
Causes of WWI America After WWI American Laws Results of WWI Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Causes of WWI
What was the name of the alliance that included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Empire?

3 $100 Answer from Causes of WWI
Central Powers

4 $200 Question from Causes of WWI
What do we call having pride in your country (sometimes too much)?

5 $200 Answer from Causes of WWI

6 $300 Question from Causes of WWI
Whose death was the final trigger of WWI starting? ((Need NAME and from what country)

7 $300 Answer from Causes of WWI
Archduke Franz Ferdinand From Austria-Hungry (heir to throne)

8 $400 Question from Causes of WWI
What is it called when a stronger country takes control of a weaker country?

9 $400 Answer from Causes of WWI

10 $500 Question from Causes of WWI
Name ALL 4 “M.A.I.N.” causes Of WWI.

11 $500 Answer from Causes of WWI
= Militarism = Alliances = Imperialism N. = Nationalism

12 $100 Question from America in WWI
At the start of WWI, America was officially ______.

13 $100 Answer from America in WWI
Neutral ((We were neutral for 3 years and then joined the Allies so we didn’t fight as long in WWI as everyone else))

14 $200 Question from America in WWI
What do we call it when a Government tries to convince people of a point of View? ((similar to yellow journalism))

15 $200 Answer from America in WWI
Propaganda ((Britain used it to try and convince America to be on their side of WWI))

16 $300 Question from America in WWI
Germany agreed to stop using _______ (weapon) on ships to keep America out of the war longer. This was called the _______ pledge.

17 $300 Answer from America in WWI
U-boats. Sussex Pledge ((this was Germany agreeing to stop sinking ships with the U-boats))

18 $400 Question from America in WWI
Famous passenger ship that Germany sunk. 128 Americans died on the ship.

19 $400 Answer from America in WWI

20 $500 Question from America in WWI
In the ___________ telegram Germany promised Mexico ________ if Mexico would attack the United States.

21 $500 Answer from America in WWI
Zimmerman Telegram South West United States (places like Texas, New Mexico, Arizona that used to be part of Mexico

22 $100 Question from American Laws
What was the purpose of Daylight Savings?

23 $100 Answer from American Laws
To conserve energy for the War Effort

24 $200 Question from American Laws
What did the Supreme Court say could be limited in the court case Schenk vs. United States?

25 $200 Answer from American Laws
Freedom of Speech during Wartime

26 $300 Question from American Laws
What law required men to register for the Draft?

27 $300 Answer from American Laws
Selective Service Act

28 $400 Question from American Laws
What is the agency that was designed to prevent strikes and other things that would disrupt making weapons for WWI?

29 $400 Answer from American Laws
National War Labor Board

30 $500 Question from American Laws
Many laws (Ex: Sedition Act) & court cases (Ex: Schenck vs. U.S.) were designed to limit what?

31 $500 Answer from American Laws
Opposition to America’s involvement in WWI

32 $100 Question from Results of WWI
What was President Wilson’s peace plan for ending WWI Called?

33 $100 Answer from Results of WWI
14 Points

34 $200 Question from Results of WWI
What was the actual treaty called that ended WWI?

35 $200 Answer from Results of WWI
Treaty of Versailles

36 $300 Question from Results of WWI
Who was the only country not to Sign the Treaty of Versailles?

37 $300 Answer from Results of WWI
The United States ((that means we had to form a separate peace with the Central Powers))

38 $400 Question from Results of WWI
What general association of Nations was created as part of the Treaty of Versailles?

39 $400 Answer from Results of WWI
League of Nations

40 $500 Question from Results of WWI
Why did the United States reject the Treaty of Versailles?

41 $500 Answer from Results of WWI
U.S. Senate didn’t want to join the League of Nations because they didn’t want any foreign alliances/Entanglements ((ironic since it was our President Wilson’s idea)

42 $100 Question from America After WWI
How did the U.S. finance the war? (2 answers)

43 $100 Answer from America After WWI
Higher (Income) Taxes Victory / Liberty Bonds (Borrowed Money)

44 $200 Question from America After WWI
After WWI, a new fear of Communism spread in America. What was this called?

45 $200 Answer from America After WWI
Red Scare

46 $300 Question from America After WWI
What group was often blamed for “Radicalism” in the U.S.?

47 $300 Answer from America After WWI

48 $400 Question from America After WWI
After WWI was over there was an increase in Racism/Racial Issues because a lot of African Americans had moved north in search of War Factory Work. What was this move called?

49 $400 Answer from America After WWI
The Great Migration

50 $500 Question from America After WWI
The Palmer Raids resulted in what happening to immigrants?

51 $500 Answer from America After WWI
Immigrants were being Deported

52 Final Jeopardy Name by number the 7 Countries that were part of WWI
And whether they were ALLIES or Central Powers 1 4 3 2 7 55 6

53 Final Jeopardy Answer 1 = Great Britain (Ally) 2 = France (ally)
3 = Germany (Central Power) 4 = Russia (ally) 5 = Italy (ally) 6 = Ottoman Empire (Central Power) 7 = Austria-Hungary (Central Power)

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