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Bell Work Place the following along the political spectrum where you think each should go. Then put a star where you think you fall along that spectrum.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work Place the following along the political spectrum where you think each should go. Then put a star where you think you fall along that spectrum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work Place the following along the political spectrum where you think each should go. Then put a star where you think you fall along that spectrum. Strong Conservative (conservative on nearly all issues) Strong Liberal (liberal on nearly all issues) Libertarian (support free market and less government) Moderate Republican (conservative on most issues) Moderate Democrat (liberal on most issues) Post Modern (centrist, but liberal on social issues)

2 In Lak’ech by Luis Valdez
Tu eres me otro yo Si te hago daño a ti, Me hago daño a mi mismo Si te amo y respeto Me amo y respeto yo You are my other me If I do harm to you, I do harm to myself If I love and respect you I love and respect myself

3 Bell Work Place the following along the political spectrum where you think each should go. Then put a star where you think you fall along that spectrum. Strong Conservative (conservative on nearly all issues) Strong Liberal (liberal on nearly all issues) Libertarian (support free market and less government) Moderate Republican (conservative on most issues) Moderate Democrat (liberal on most issues) Post Modern (centrist, but liberal on social issues)

4 Which way do you lean? For each of the following statements, answer with agree, disagree, or no opinion: The government should encourage prayer in the public schools. The federal government has an obligation to regulate business in order to protect the environment and public safety.

5 3. Affirmative action programs deny equality of opportunity to whites in hiring. 4. The federal government should provide funds to improve public schools and make college more affordable. 5. The government should make welfare recipients go to work. 6. The federal government should limit its spending so that individuals enjoy the maximum freedom of choice in spending their income.

6 7. Unregulated free enterprise benefits the rich at the expense of the poor. 8. The government should guarantee medical care for all citizens. 9. The Supreme Court should reverse its decision to legalize abortions. 10. The federal government should guarantee the rights of homosexuals. 11. Present federal laws effectively guarantee the rights of women. 12. The federal government has an obligation to guarantee full employment

7 13. The federal government should take steps to eliminate discrimination. 14. The government should uphold the morals of the past. 15. The government should not try to manipulate the social values of the citizenry. 16. The government should be less concerned with the rights of the accused and more concerned about maintaining law and order.

8 17. The government should update immigration laws to make it easier for people to immigrate to the U.S. 18. Income tax rates for the wealthy should be increased

9 Answers Conservative Statements: Liberal Statements: 2 1 4 3 7 5 8 6
9 11 14 15 16 Liberal Statements: 2 4 7 8 10 12 13 17 18

10 Which way do you lean Total up the number of liberal and conservative statements that you agreed with. Determine which way you lean and how far: Strong liberal Moderate liberal Moderate conservative Strong conservative

11 Where am I on the spectrum?
The Political Compass The Political Spectrum Quiz

12 Political Ideology People with a liberal ideology are more willing to trade economic freedom for greater equality. People with a conservative ideology tend to believe the role of government should be limited. Most people are moderates, falling somewhere in between liberal and conservative. Currently, the Democratic Party is more liberal and the Republican Party more conservative.

13 Party Platforms Both the Democratic and Republican Party agree on a number of foundational beliefs and values. The Republican Party supports limiting the government’s role, “traditional family values,” and policies that make it easier for business to operate. The Democratic Party supports heath, education and justice, and believe government should not restrict most individual freedoms. The Green Party is more liberal and the Constitution Party more conservative. The Libertarian Party supports personal responsibility and minimal government.

14 Democratic Party Platform:
content/uploads/2018/10/2016_DNC_ Platform.pdf Republican Party Platform: tform.pdf

15 Party Identification Party identification is a state of mind; voting is a behavior. The Republican Party tends to attract white, male, and religious people. The Democratic Party tends to attract women, minorities, and young people. The Democratic Party tends to be stronger in the Northeast and in cities. The Republican Party tends to be stronger in the suburbs, South, mountain West, and rural areas.

16 Political Party Polarization
The two political parties have become more polarized and ideologically homogenous. Both parties now tend to nominate ideological, rather than centrist, candidates. Conservative “Tea Party” organizations helped shift Republican Party ideology to the right. This more extreme party membership leads to increased political gridlock.

17 Which political ideology is generally associated with the Democratic Party?
 A.conservative  B.socialist  C.liberal  D.libertarian

18 Which political ideology is generally associated with the Republican Party?
 A.socialist  B.conservative  C.libertarian  D.liberal

19 Which of these policies would Republicans most likely support?
 A.affirmative action  B.a tax increase marriage  D.reduced government regulation

20 The 2012 Democratic Party platform supported
 A.privatizing Medicare.  B.increasing the federal minimum wage.  C.decreasing income tax rates for the wealthiest Americans.  D.increasing resource extraction on public lands.

21 Which party holds a philosophy known as American exceptionalism?
 A.Republican Party  B.Green Party  C.Democratic Party  D.Libertarian Party

22 Which minor party advocates alternative energy and universal healthcare?
 A.Libertarian Party  B.Tea Party  C.Green Party  D.Constitution Party

23 Compared to the population at large, the demographic makeup of the Republican Party tends to include more  A.white males.  B.minorities.  C.women.  D.young people.

24 Compared to the country as a whole, Democrats are somewhat over- represented in the
 A.South.  B.Northeast.  C.mountain West.  D.Midwest.

25 As a result of Tea Party activism, the ideology of the Republican Party
 A.moved to the left.  B.held more strongly to its traditional position.  C.moved to the center.  D.moved to the right.

26 Because of polarization among Americans, the parties are more likely to nominate candidates who are
 A.centrist.  B.ideological.  C.moderate.  D.independent.

27 Continue your issues research
Use your phones to gather information Create a google doc and or presentation that your group can work on colletively

28 What did you accomplish for your project today (be specific)?
Reflection What did you accomplish for your project today (be specific)?

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