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Future Projects and Reporting

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1 Future Projects and Reporting
Anna Leung & Hanna Wacklin-Knecht ESS 29 April, 2019

2 Remaining Deliverables Under SINE2020
Task 5.1. Chemical deuteration by catalytic H-D exchange and synthesis of surfactants (ISIS) D5.2 Synthesis of precursors to surfactants, lipids and polymers (M12 = September 2016) - completed D5.7 Synthesis of deuterated surfactants for European users (M28 = Jan 2018) Need to write deliverable report

3 Remaining Deliverables Under SINE2020
Task Extraction and purification of small molecules from deuterated cell cultures (ILL) Deliverable D5.9 ILL M36 = September 2018: optimization of techniques for separation and purification methods: Need to define a clear objective and tasks that can be completed and written up by M36 Suggestions?

4 Remaining Deliverables Under SINE2020
Task Extraction and purification of small molecules from deuterated cell cultures (ILL) Deliverable D 5.10 ILL M42 = March 2019: physico-chemical characterization of purified biomolecules Neutron and other experiments carried out at ILL/ESRF/PSCM by DEUNET members or users, collect all these. Should include neutron experiment on molecules deuterated/purified for D 5.9 – define this and apply for beamtime in September 2018.

5 Remaining Deliverables Under SINE2020
Task 5.3. Synthesis of complex deuterated molecules (ESS) D 5.11 ESS: synthesis of novel deuterated lipids/surfactants Proposal 1: synthesis of novel partially deuterated triglycerides using immobilised enzymes ISIS: produce a series of perdeuterated saturated fatty acids ESS: use these perdeuterated fatty acids to synthesise selectively-deuterated glycerides: - immobilised enzymes

6 Proposal 2: synthesis of novel surfactants using immobilised enzymes
ISIS: produce a series of perdeuterated saturated fatty acids ESS: produce enantiopure perdeuterated lactic acid and synthesise enantiopure surfactants based on lactic acid Not established in our lab but we’re interested getting as much out of the work we’ve already done as possible

7 -achievable, useful, using existing expertise?
Proposal 3: Shared synthesis of perdeuterated oleic acid ISIS: produce large amounts (30 g) of perdeuterated nonanoic acid and azelaic acids ESS: synthesise oleic acid and use to synthesise novel partially-deuterated lipids -For the first ESS proposal call so we can include oleic acid containing molecules? Other suggestions? -achievable, useful, using existing expertise? Should say this is a fall back option and the other two are preferred as this is not a new synthesis

8 Remaining Deliverables Under SINE2020
Task 5.4 Polymer Synthesis (FZJ): D5.3 Completed D5.5 Completed D5.8 Synthesis of deuterium-labelled poly(lactic acid) (M30 May 2018) Can delay if necessary – let Hanna know and she will inform Miriam if so.

9 Remaining Tasks Under SINE2020
D 5.12 ESS M48 = September 2019: platform management, operation and user access scheme (report) This is the main deliverable and end-report from WP5 Will need significant input from all partners and Deunet advisory board Plan for contents and contributions/responsibles early - to be agreed on in Parma in June. In the meantime, all to start by updating your section in the P1 report from June 2017…

10 Dissemination and Outreach (!)
with WP2 (Dissemination), set up a webpage (D5.1) – all to provide material and updates for both and SINE2020 webpages. with WP3 (e-learning), provision of e-learning material about deuterium labelling - contributions welcome! with WP4 (Industry), develop industry-specific outreach material - contributions welcome! The Final report needs to list all the following: Networking events, annual meetings and all forms of dissemination incl. Conferences, meetings and visits of members funded from grant Presentations (talks and posters) related to SINE2020 work Publications (open access) related to SINE2020 work DEUNET and SINE2020 webpage twitter account, facility newsletters, annual reports, interviews. All need to provide some of these, and actively include Deunet/SINE2020 in their conference presentations. Use the funding allocated for conference travel! Regular Deunet newsletter?

11 Post-SINE2020

12 Making DEUNET Sustainable?
What other opportunities exist for collaborative projects between DEUNET members? To start a basis for a sustainable collaboration Aims: to increase efficiency, share materials, use complementary expertise -> easier provision of time-consuming materials to users, provision of new materials, development of new methods for the future Consider what one laboratory can provide that can be further transformed, purified or analysed in another lab. -Is there a need for collaboration to produce deuterated amino acids? -Or ionic liquids (ISIS, J-PARC and ANSTO working in this space -Deep eutectic solvents? -Other? -Monomers for polymer synthesis - which monomers? Could consider e.g. different types of molecules used in surface functionalization (modified lipids) or used in binding/non-binding substrates for proteins (biotinylated lipids, PEGylated lipids, glycolipids would be interesting as well),

13 Sustainability/Future of DEUNET
What would a sustainable DEUNET look like and what should it do? (How) Could DEUNET function as a user platform for providing coordinated access to deuteration? How could we involve the neutron facilities in supporting DEUNET? How can we involve the user community actively in DEUNET? What is the most significant impact DEUNET could make?

14 SINE General Assembly

15 SINE2020 AGM Parma 5-7 June: https://indico. frm2. tum

16 SINE2020 AGM Parma 5-7 June: https://indico. frm2. tum
Register and book accommodation asap! WP5 meeting on the 6th: :30: 20 min update per partner Report from DEUNET advisory panel? : Planning of SINE2020 deliverables and final report Future funding possibilities

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