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Objectives General objectives Exchanges of knowledge and information on groundwater issues and preparation of specific guidelines in support of the implementation.

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2 Objectives General objectives Exchanges of knowledge and information on groundwater issues and preparation of specific guidelines in support of the implementation of both the WFD and the future Groundwater Directive Preparation of workshop reports to gather MS experiences and of one Groundwater guidance document composed of three distinct parts, based on targeted data and information abd built up on the basis of the existing reports/guidance documents Parts of the guidance document submitted for approval to Article 21 Committee

3 Objectives Key activities Four information forums on characterisation (Oct. 2003), risk assessment (Jan. 2004), monitoring (Jun. 2004) and chemical status and trends (Oct. 2004) Three drafting groups on (4) status and trends, (5) pollutant thresholds, and (5) indirect discharges (years ) A horizontal forum on “research and standardisation” to gather information on projects funded by DG RTD and examine standardisation needs

4 Setting up of the WG Two types of groups: Plenary Forum composed of Member States representatives and stakeholders (based on former EAF Groundwater): consultation and comments on workshop reports, participation in meetings (2-3 times/y) Drafting groups composed of small teams (10-15 people) mandated by WG for developing chapters of the Groundwater guidance document. Working as much as possible through “virtual meetings”: nomination of Group Leaders (2005)

5 Working Group 2C Organisational set-up
STRATEGIC CO-ORDINATION GROUP STEERING GROUP DG ENV (Chair), Austria (co-Chair), JRC PLENARY FORUM Forum on Characterisation Forum on Risk assessment Forum on Monitoring Forum on Monitoring 2005 Drafting Group Status / Trends Drafting Group Thresholds Drafting Group Ind. discharges Forum on research and standardisation

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