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2 America was facing environmental challenges.
1971 The year was America was facing a series of environmental challenges. Let’s look at the details

3 Rivers and lakes were polluted Reliance on foreign oil
Numerous Environmental Problems 1 Rivers and lakes were polluted 2 Smog 3 Reliance on foreign oil Rivers and lakes were polluted. Skies over America’s larger cities were filled with smog and there were increasing concerns over mining practices and our reliance on foreign oil.

4 Environmental movement was controversial and slow to gain momentum
The government was conducting research and talks on the problems but – much like today – there were doubters. America’s artists took the lead by using writing, speaking music and visual arts to persuade.

5 Four Elements of Persuasion:
Emotional Workable Believable Actable Persuasion involves 4 elements: Emotional – Does it make you feel something? Believable – Do you believe what’s being said? Workable – Does it achieve its goal? And Actable – Does it make you want to do something?

6 Write the four elements of persuasion in your notebook three times
Write the four elements of persuasion in your notebook three times. Title one page “The Lorax,” another “Crying Indian,” and the third “Mercy, Mercy Me.” The four elements are on the next slide. Take out your notebooks and title one page “The Lorax,” another “Crying Indian,” and a third “Mercy, Mercy Me.” The next slide will list the four elements of persuasion again. Write them on each of the three pages.

7 Four Elements of Persuasion:
Emotional Workable Believable Actable Leave enough room on each page to write comments under each element.. At the end of each example – The Lorax, the Crying Indian and Mercy, Mercy Me – you will be given time to write your thoughts about how the example met the four elements of persuasion.

8 Dr. Seuss Click here to view the video
Dr. Seuss published The Lorax in The story made a generation of children and adults consider the consequences of destroying our natural resources. If you’re not familiar with the story, or need to refresh your memory, there is a link to a 25-minute animated version of The Lorax in the Online Library under videos. Let’s hear what the Lorax had to say. Click here to view the video

9 Keep America Beautiful Commercial “Crying Indian”
Click here to view the video The next item we will explore is a commercial created by the artists at Keep America Beautiful. It is known as the Crying Indian.

10 Mercy, Mercy Me by Marvin Gaye Performed by Usher
Click here to view the video The final artist is Marvin Gaye. In 1971 he released Mercy, Mercy Me. Listen to the song once. Then your teacher will handout the lyrics and you’ll listen to it again while reading the lyrics.

11 Did the three examples fulfill the four elements of persuasion?
Critical Thinking Activity Your teacher will distribute a Critical Thinking Activity. This will help you consider what you might want to integrate into a work of persuasive art. At the end of this activity, your teacher will give you an assignment to create your own persuasive works of art. Student Power looks forward to seeing and hearing what you create.

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