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Keep Writing All Summer Long!

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Presentation on theme: "Keep Writing All Summer Long!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keep Writing All Summer Long!
Make a List Create lists together for the grocery, shopping, or things to do. Consider using special list paper to make it more fun! Allow your child to check off items as you go through the store. Photo Albums Help your child write captions for the pictures in the album. They could design a family memory book or make a book about a specific event. Picture Writing Collect pictures from magazines, the newspaper, or on the internet. Allow your child to write about them. They may even create a story. Have different family members write about the same pictures and see the different stories that come about. Letter Writing Allow your child to write letters to family members or friends. If your child receives a gift, consider having them write a thank you note. Cut the “used” portion off of cards from previous events so that your child may use the back of the picture portion to write special letters. Allow your child to design cards out of paper. Family Mailbox Create a family mailbox from a shoebox or cereal box that everyone can use to write notes to each other. Appoint a “mail person” of the day or week to deliver the mail to each person in the family. Encourage family members to write back to one another. Anytime and Anywhere Notes Everyone feels special when they receive a note. Surprise your child with notes under their pillow, on the bathroom mirror, in their room, under their dinner plate, in their pockets, with their favorite toys, or anywhere else they may discover it. Encourage your child to surprise others with little notes! Writer’s Notebook Give your child a notebook to use as a journal for any writing they wish to do on their own. Set aside special times or special places for this writing. Add comments or questions to the writing they do. Allow them to glue in special tickets, pictures, or objects and encourage them to write about it.

2 Writing Toolbox or Writing Center
Sidewalk Stories Provide sidewalk chalk for your child to draw, write, or make maps outside on the driveway or sidewalk. Leave messages for them as well. Pen Pals Help your child to write letters or stories for their family and friends. Have the child deliver letters to kids in the neighborhood. Ask questions or share photos. Writing About Reading Keep a list or notebook of books that you and your child have shared over the summer. Write about favorite parts or different ways to end the story. Make posters to advertise books just like at the movie theater. Book Writing Staple blank paper together and allow your child to write their own books. Encourage them to read books and try writing one like the author. Allow them to write about a special day, event, or person. Writing Toolbox or Writing Center Create a special place to store supplies for writing that your child can easily access at any time. You might include paper, envelopes, cards, stamps, pencils, pens, markers, crayons, stamps, stapler, and tape. Grab and Go Bag For those long car trips or while waiting in a restaurant or doctor appointments, create a special bag with all the writing materials they will need for creating letters or stories. Include some favorite books too!

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