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I can analyze the role mercantilism played in the development and growth of Georgia throughout the state's history. SS8H2: The student will analyze the.

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Presentation on theme: "I can analyze the role mercantilism played in the development and growth of Georgia throughout the state's history. SS8H2: The student will analyze the."— Presentation transcript:

1 I can analyze the role mercantilism played in the development and growth of Georgia throughout the state's history. SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History.

2 Vocabulary Time… Choose any two words from the list and write a sentence for each. Do your best to write a sentence that may help someone else better understand the vocabulary term.

3 Watch this brief video on mercantilism.
Let’s Get Started… SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History. Watch this brief video on mercantilism. What have you traded lately? Think of specific examples.

4 Analyze the idea of individuals trading to international trade
Today you are… Going to participate in a trading activity to understand why people trade Analyze the idea of individuals trading to international trade Consider how trades between individuals and organizations varies in different countries SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History.

5 Group A (red) Group B (yellow) Group C (blue) Group D (green)
Where do you belong? SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History. We will divide into groups of 6 Group A (red) Group B (yellow) Group C (blue) Group D (green)

6 Let’s analyze your actions…
Round Number of Trades Number of students happier after trading 1 2 3 SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History.

7 Final Trading Opportunity
Notice what others have to offer. What do you want? Who has what you want? What are you willing to trade to get the ultimate prize? SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History.

8 Why do people Trade? People trade with the expectation that they will be better off after the trade. Just as you were able to experience in today’s trading activity, people and organizations in different countries often trade goods and services because they value the things that they buy more than the things they sell. Importers and exporters in trading countries would not trade if they didn’t expect to be better off. SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History.

9 Characteristics of Free Trade and Voluntary Exchange
SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History. Characteristics of Free Trade and Voluntary Exchange  Requires the presence of at least one buyer and one seller. Both the buyer and the seller must choose to trade of their own free will. Threat of harm to the buyer or seller cannot be a factor in their choice to trade. The buyer and the seller must both view the gain from trade as something that will make them better off than they were before the trade occurred. The government should not be involved in restricting or influencing the trading relationships between buyers and sellers except when the goods traded are harmful or fraudulent in nature.

10 Your Turn… What’s Your Assignment? How will you be graded? Questions??
SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History. Your Turn… What’s Your Assignment? How will you be graded? Questions?? Groups: 4 or 5 students Focus on one of the trading relationships

11 Work on your role play when you finish the chart 10 minutes
SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History. Work with your group members and fill in the missing sections of the chart for your assigned trading relationship. 1o minutes Work on your role play when you finish the chart 10 minutes

12 In Conclusion… Watch this clip about trade in Georgia and mercantilism. The video will highlight one of the trading relationships they discussed from Georgia History as well as give an example of how trade is affecting Georgia today. As you watch this video, complete the handout provided. SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History.

13 Why do we have rules. What purpose do they serve
Why do we have rules? What purpose do they serve? What would happen if there were no rules or no one to enforce the rules? SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History.

14 The Settlement of Georgia
SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History.

15 Your Task: SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History. Partner read and work to complete Colonization Graphic Organizer using Chapter 4, Section 3. This section covers: James Oglethorpe Charter of 1732 trustee charter regulations rules for settlement Tomochichi and the Yamacraws Mary Musgrove

16 Almost Finished… 2 reasons to establish Georgia,
Give 3 rules for the new colony of Georgia, 2 reasons to establish Georgia, One founder of Georgia

17 Vocabulary Review Time
Who knows the most? Ready, Set, Go… James Oglethorpe, Charter of 1732, trustee, charter, regulations, rules for settlement, Tomochichi and the Yamacraws, and Mary Musgrove. SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History.

18 Daily Life in Georgia Watch this. Journal Time
Was the colony that James Oglethorpe dreamed about the real colony that colonist were experiencing? What was the same? What was different? SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History.

19 Your Task: SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History. Partner read and work to complete Colonization Graphic Organizer using Chapter 4, Section 4. This section covers: artisan militia Savannah Salzburgers Morvians Malcontents Fort Frederica SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History.

20 3 groups of people that settled in Georgia 2 problems they encountered
One of the first cities established SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History.

21 SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History.
Ready…Set…Go! Make a list of the important people we’ve discussed as we’ve studied the colonial period of Georgia’s history. Watch this.

22 Review Time: Highland Scots Jews Salzburgers Who: What: When: Where:
SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History. Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Review Time: Highland Scots Jews Salzburgers Who: What: When: Where: Why:

23 Today’s Task: Finalize your notes using the graphic organizer provided by your teacher. Those who finish early should notify the teacher for further instructions regarding the next step in learning more about the colonial period of Georgia’s history. SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History.

24 SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial
How did James Oglethorpe and mercantilism impact Georgia's development and growth? SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s History.

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