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5/2/2019 League 101 Everything you wanted to know about the League … but were afraid to ask.

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Presentation on theme: "5/2/2019 League 101 Everything you wanted to know about the League … but were afraid to ask."— Presentation transcript:

1 5/2/2019 League 101 Everything you wanted to know about the League … but were afraid to ask

2 About the League History Mission Principles Structure
5/2/2019 About the League History Mission Principles Structure Voter service activities Program development and League positions Action/Advocacy Financing 5/2/2019

3 5/2/2019 Our History Carrie Chapman Catt

4 A rich history of volunteerism
5/2/2019 A rich history of volunteerism LWVUS - founded in 1920 LWVOR - founded in 1924 Over 700 local and state Leagues in all 50 states and the District of Columbia 1200 members statewide. 12 local Leagues and 3 Member at Large (MAL) Units LWVUS - founded in 1920 by Carrie Chapman Catt shortly before the Women’s Suffrage Amendment was ratified, to help newly enfranchised women become politically educated, responsible voting citizens. Over the years, the League has opened a door to intellectual activity and involvement in political life Local politicians began seeing women as capable of serving on local boards League has studied many issues and been active in calling for changes and reforms Has served as a training ground for community leaders Is determined to be a pertinent and meaningful voice in local governance 5/2/2019

5 5/2/2019 Our Mission

6 Our Mission defines what we are about
5/2/2019 Our Mission defines what we are about The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy  5/2/2019

7 Our nonpartisan policy
5/2/2019 Our nonpartisan policy Neither supports nor opposes candidates for office However Members are encouraged to participate in the party of their choice (as long as they don’t claim to represent the League) LWVOR Board member political activity is more limited Our nonpartisan policy is key to our reputation 5/2/2019

8 5/2/2019 LWV is also political LWVOR takes positions and lobbies on selected governmental issues after members have studied the issues and reached consensus. While our nonpartisan reputation is important to us, LWV is also political More on League positions later in the presentation 5/2/2019

9 5/2/2019 Our Principles

10 League principles – based on fundamental beliefs about government
5/2/2019 League principles – based on fundamental beliefs about government The League of Women Voters believes in representative government and in the individual liberties established in the Constitution of the United States. 5/2/2019

11 5/2/2019 Fundamental beliefs The League of Women Voters believes that democratic government depends upon: informed and active participation of its citizens, and protection of the citizens’ right to know. The right to know is protected through adequate notice of proposed government actions, open meetings of government bodies and full access to public records. 5/2/2019

12 Fundamental beliefs The League of Women Voters believes that:
5/2/2019 Fundamental beliefs The League of Women Voters believes that: every citizen’s right to vote should be protected every person should have access to free public education that provides equal opportunity for all; and no person or group should suffer legal, economic or administrative discrimination. 5/2/2019

13 5/2/2019 Fundamental beliefs The League of Women Voters believes that efficient and economical government requires: competent personnel, clear assignment of responsibility, adequate financing and coordination among the different agencies and levels of government. 5/2/2019

14 5/2/2019 Fundamental beliefs The League of Women Voters believes that responsible government should be responsive to the will of the people and should: maintain an equitable, flexible, tax system, promote conservation and development of natural resources in the public interest, share in solving economic and social problems that affect the general welfare, promote a sound economy, and adopt domestic policies that facilitate solutions of international problems. 5/2/2019

15 Fundamental beliefs The League of Women Voters believes that
5/2/2019 Fundamental beliefs The League of Women Voters believes that cooperation with other nations is essential to solving world problems, and support for the United Nations and international law are imperative in the promotion of world peace. 5/2/2019

16 5/2/2019 Structure

17 The League is a grassroots organization
5/2/2019 The League is a grassroots organization LWV – Local Leagues LWV – State Leagues National At each level, elected Boards manage activities Members are welcome at Board meetings and conventions The League is a grassroots organization. Members determine policies and program for all League levels State leagues include 50 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Hong Kong Local leagues number over 800, with 12 in Oregon alone Local agendas are set at the Annual Meeting (ours is in April) Officers are elected Dues & budget are set Bylaws are changed Issues to be studies or acted on are selected At state and national levels, recommendations on officers and program begin with members at local meetings Final decisions are made at state or national biennial Convention composed of delegates elected by Leagues in proportion to their memberships In alternate years, national & state Councils, composed of 2 delegates from each League of state, are held Because these Councils are not proportionately representative of the membership, they may not change dues or adopt new program emphases 5/2/2019

18 Local League interactions
5/2/2019 Local League interactions LWV – Local Leagues LWV – State Leagues LWV National President’s Mailings Websites List serves Consultants Telephone calls Local Leagues interact with the National and State Leagues in several ways

19 Current League Presidents
5/2/2019 Current League Presidents To ensure League “speaks with one voice,” only League presidents may speak for their Leagues Chris Carson LWV-US Norman Turrill LWVOR 5/2/2019

20 In _______ Local League, we have a strong Board and a growing League
5/2/2019 In _______ Local League, we have a strong Board and a growing League Board Officers President -- 1st Vice President -- Secretary -- Treasurer -- Directors Fill in local League information Membership as of 00/00/10 = ____ 5/2/2019

21 The League is committed to diversity
5/2/2019 The League is committed to diversity LWV diversity policy allows no barriers to participation on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, national origin or disability The National League of Women Voters has a national statement about diversity. 5/2/2019

22 Membership is open to all
5/2/2019 Membership is open to all Voting membership is open to any citizen at least 16 years old living in the U.S. Anyone joining League automatically becomes a member of the local, state & national organizations Non-citizens, younger people, and members of other Leagues who are seasonal attendees of ______(Local) may join as associate members 5/2/2019

23 Men have been welcome since 1973!
5/2/2019 Men have been welcome since 1973! Men have been allowed to become members and join the leadership of the League since the 70’s! In fact our current LWVOR President, Norman was the first male board member for the national league and the first male state League president. 5/2/2019

24 There are many types of League meetings
5/2/2019 There are many types of League meetings 5/2/2019

25 League meeting business
5/2/2019 League meeting business Annual Meeting Visits by League officials League studies Consensus sessions Guest speakers Lively League meetings usually address some form of League business Annual Meeting, for electing officers and board members, adopting budget and program, approving bylaw changes Visits from state and national league Briefing on the research on League study issues on a state, local and national level – presentation of facts obtained through research to provide members with information for consensus on positions. Consensus sessions, to develop positions on issues studied 5/2/2019

26 General meetings open to the public
5/2/2019 General meetings open to the public a topic of interest to the broader community encourage informed and active participation in government through education General Meetings are membership meetings of local Leagues that are open to the public LWVOR Office in Salem 5/2/2019

27 Events and Programs Open to the public Free of charge 5/2/2019
Both daytime and evening programs are held to encourage community outreach 5/2/2019

28 5/2/2019 Committee meetings Committee programs seek balance between education and action/advocacy Educational activities are ideally linked to advocacy/ action efforts Committee meetings encourage participation in areas of specific interest 5/2/2019

29 Recent publications are available at
5/2/2019 Hot topic meetings Can include: State League Legislative Priorities Current studies Upcoming: Primary and Fall Elections Ballot measures Hot Topics meetings are held on an ad-hoc basis about current issues of interest Recent publications are available at 5/2/2019

30 State Level Meetings Legislative Workshop Fall Workshop
5/2/2019 State Level Meetings Legislative Workshop Fall Workshop Convention (odd years) Council (even years) State Level Meetings are great opportunities to meet like-minded people Legislative Workshop (annually in March) Lobby legislators Attend training sessions Share tips with other League leaders Fall Workshop – networking and information meeting on current state topics. Convention (odd years) Participate in LWVOR decision-making Council (even years) Adopt budget Recognize achievements Oregon State Capitol Salem 5/2/2019

31 National Meetings Convention (even years) Council (odd years)
5/2/2019 National Meetings Convention (even years) Council (odd years) National meetings - bring together delegates from all over the country Convention (even years) Elect officers Adopt program Adopt budget Bylaw changes Have fun Learn from each other Council (odd years) Give guidance to national board Oregon Delegation Portland 5/2/2019

32 All meetings are publicized
5/2/2019 All meetings are publicized On and ________ (local League) In state and local LWV newsletters: The Voter In local newspapers All meetings are publicized well in advance to maximize participation 5/2/2019

33 Our Voter Service Activities
5/2/2019 Our Voter Service Activities

34 Voter service (EDUCATION) activities
5/2/2019 Voter service (EDUCATION) activities build awareness of public issues and help voters make independent decisions, based on facts are distinct and separate from the League’s action agenda, do not take sides on issues. can be funded by tax-deductible contributions. The action agenda takes a position supporting or opposing an issue, the education activities provide non partisan positions on candidates and on ballot measures and provides non-biased educational information in the form of studies of current issues. Since voter service activities do not take sides on issues, they can be funded by tax-deductible contributions from 501(c) (3) organizations 5/2/2019

35 Voter service activities
5/2/2019 Voter service activities Voters’ Guide Voter Registration Candidate forums Ballot measure forums presenting pros and cons Information available on our website (, Our voter service activities notify communities of important voting information: 5/2/2019

36 How We Decide on Our Program and League Positions
5/2/2019 How We Decide on Our Program and League Positions

37 League Program = Action Agenda based on League Positions
5/2/2019 League Program = Action Agenda based on League Positions Program is the bridge from education to advocacy Program The league bases their programing off of actions that are created through League positions. The league cannot have a position on an issue without a study on the topic. Education Advocacy 5/2/2019

38 Studies come first Members may take action only
5/2/2019 Studies come first Members may take action only on issues that have been studied through fact-gathering and on which the members are in general agreement While program is action-oriented, study comes first. 5/2/2019

39 League position development
5/2/2019 League position development Issues are studied Based on study, League members reach “consensus” on issue questions Board reviews and ratifies the process “Position” is written based on consensus “Position” becomes the basis for League action The general membership approves or opposes the position as written at the League’s next annual meeting League positions are developed, after study and action, through “consensus” A committee studies a chosen program item Committee members discuss specific key questions to arrive at “consensus” (general sense of the group) If consensus is found, the Board reviews the process and ratifies it The Board selects the wording that best reflects the League’s point of view on the issue The Board’s statement of consensus (“position”) becomes the basis for League action The general membership may approve or oppose the position at the League’s next annual meeting 5/2/2019

40 There are two other bases on which League may act:
5/2/2019 There are two other bases on which League may act: Through concurrence with the recommendations of a task force or other League organization, By reference to League principles – beliefs about government that are deemed basic and incontrovertible Belief such as supporting the checks and balances of our Constitutional government) 5/2/2019

41 League positions are published and updated periodically
5/2/2019 League positions are published and updated periodically National positions are found in Impact on Issues Oregon’s positions are found in Issues for Action _____’s positions are reported in _________ National positions are found in Impact on Issues (last updated for ) Oregon’s positions are found in Issues for Action (last updated for ) _____’s positions are reported in _________ Impact on Issues is available at Issues for Action is available at 5/2/2019

42 Local Leagues meet for Program Planning each year
5/2/2019 Local Leagues meet for Program Planning each year Review all previous positions –local positions, state and national Consider doing first-time study of an issue, update of a previous study, restudying an issue action on an existing position dropping a position Submit program recommendations to Board Each League decides on current action agenda and educational “program” annually Local leagues review local positions, state positions and national positions – National and state positions are reviewed in alternate years, local positions are reviewed annually. 5/2/2019

43 Program recommendations are filtered through the Board’s debate
5/2/2019 Program recommendations are filtered through the Board’s debate Will the issue inspire sufficient member interest and commitment? Can we be effective on the issue? Is governmental action necessary to solve the problem? Would we be duplicating another public-interest group’s study? Is it an idea whose time has come politically? Do we have sufficient resources? 5/2/2019

44 The Board makes a program recommendation to the membership
5/2/2019 The Board makes a program recommendation to the membership Members vote on the Board’s recommended program at the local League’s Annual Meeting or State/National Convention Be sure to mention state and local events 5/2/2019

45 How the League Takes Action

46 Action is taken based on League Positions
Issue identified League position reviewed Board approves taking action Action is taken: Testimony on issue Written material on issue Public meetings on issue Encourage citizen action on issue 5/2/2019

47 How League’s Activities are Financed
5/2/2019 How League’s Activities are Financed

48 The League is primarily financed by dues
5/2/2019 The League is primarily financed by dues _______ membership dues are $_____ Local Leagues pay assessments totaling $____ to support LWVUS and LWVOR (“per member payments,” or PMPs) Member contributions and fund raising provide additional financial support LWVOR PMP $------ LWVUS PMP $--- mention scholarships or differing rates if available fro local League. 5/2/2019

49 In review – What you should know about the League:
5/2/2019 In review – What you should know about the League: Our history Our mission Our principles How we operate Our voter service activities Program development and League positions Action How League’s activities are financed 5/2/2019

50 As a knowledgeable League member, you can make a difference!
5/2/2019 As a knowledgeable League member, you can make a difference! Do As Much Or As Little As You Want, But Remember … Democracy is Not a Spectator Sport! 5/2/2019

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