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Commission activities

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1 Commission activities
WG Groundwater 25-26 April 2017, San Lawrenz, Malta Christoph Leitner, Elisa Vargas Amelin, Joaquim Capitão DG Environment, Unit C.1

2 Overview Previous WD & SCG meetings 2RBMP assessment Water reuse
WG DIS WG Chemicals Water and agriculture ATG Article 4(7) BLUE2 study Review of the DWD EIP Water 2/19

3 CIS work programme Just as a reminder: CIS work programme for with agreed activities and tasks for WG Groundwater. The following slides summarise COM's activities that are of interest to the group. Most slides have links to the corresponding policy or folders in circabc where additional information and technical documents can be found. 3/19

4 Water Directors (WDs) Meeting outcomes 28-29 November 2016
Continuation of the discussion on the WFD process of the 3rd cycle and beyond 2027 – ASG established Priority substances – coordination of WFD and EQS reviews supported, investigation of more holistic approach to regulation of chemicals in the environment supported; technical work on PS review to be finalised Took note of Water & Agriculture workshop on 24 Oct 2016, supported idea of joint meeting with agriculture decision makers on strategic issues Floods Directive – lessons learned CIS – Took note of progress report and progress on intercalibration WFD WISE reporting – acknowledged high priority. Used for RBMP assessment and ERDF/EARDF ex-ante conditionality assessment 4/19

5 SCG meetings 9 March 2017 (& 27-28 October 2016)
Overview on the state of adoption of River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) and Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP). Updates on: WISE reporting Commission's assessment of the RBMPs and FRMPs Commission activities Circular Economy, EIR, Communication on SDGs Initiative on water reuse Strategic approach to pharmaceuticals in the environment Start of the Blue2 Study Developments on Water and Agriculture Since the WGGW met in Bratislava in October 2016, the following WFD related events took place. Please check corresponding folders in circabc for minutes, presentations and technical documents. Blue2 study: 'Study on EU integrated policy assessment for the freshwater and marine environment, on the economic benefits of EU water policy and on the costs of its non-implementation' Update of reporting tools for the Floods Directive – a Sub-group on Reporting established; 2 meetings so far (31/1 in Brussels and 16-17/3 (afternoon to afternoon) in Bucharest). Next meeting on 30&31 May in Brussels. Final updated reporting tools to be endorsed by the Water Directors in Dec 2017. 5/19

6 Prep-SCG 10 March 2017 Exchange of information among WGs. Aim: informal exchange of updates, discussion of links and synergies. Other co-chairs were informed on the progress made on: Watch List (link with WG Chemicals) Threshold Values (TVs) – search for activity leads WFD/DWD coordination activities – interest from WG Chemicals Special session on GW ecology – interest from WG ECOSTAT Note: each of this topics will be further elaborated and discussed throughout the meeting (agenda points ) 6/19

7 Assessment of 2nd RBMPs and 1st FRMPs
Second RBMPs: country specific assessments assessment at EU level (overview) First FRMPs: International coordination in water resources and flood management iRBD/iUoM specific assessments 7/19

8 Assessment of 2nd RBMPs and 1st FRMPs
WFD achievements regarding status and pressures (EEA report – further information after this presentation) WFD "compliance" assessment Integrated assessment DPSIR storylines for main pressures Synergies with other water and environmental legislation/policies 8/19

9 Assessment of 2nd RBMPs and 1st FRMPs
Pilot testing completed, assessment started in April Opportunity to provide feedback on draft MS reports in late spring discussion in next SCG WFD integrated assessment to start in late spring EC Implementation report for WFD and FD: legal obligation = End 2018 Further information 9/19

10 Water reuse
CIS Guidelines on 'Integrating water reuse into water planning and management in the context of the WFD' (endorsed by WDs in June 2016) Works on Minimum quality requirements for water reuse in irrigation and aquifer recharge. JRC developed a technical proposal by end 2016. Consultation of MS and organizations e.g. via the CIS  Consultation with EFSA and SCHEER  opinion of both Committees in May 2017 Proposal for an EU legislation  end 2017 Water reuse in industrial activities: In the framework of the Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU) implementation Further and better integration in Best Available Techniques Reference Documents (BREFs) for relevant industrial sectors (food, drink, milk, textiles, industrial cooling systems). Support to research and innovation, EU funds available (EIP, H2020, ERDF, CF, EFSI, LIFE…) 10/19

11 Working Group Data and Information Sharing
Deadline for communicating RBMPs was 22 March 2016. RBMPs reported through WISE by 23 MS. Full reporting completed by 18 MS. Annex 0 submission (for MS to indicate if they are not able to report some required information and why) – 21 MS transmitted one or more Annex 0s. Issues in Annex 0 are either related to data not collected in the way required or show gaps in implementation (mainly indicators of gap to good status and of contribution of each Key Type of Measures to fill that gap, data on costs of measures) Reference document on indicators to communicate progress towards good status – adopted by WDs in Nov. 2015, will need to be reviewed once data available to assess feasibility of individual indicators: c48b6a945501 Links with all documents and tools needed for reporting: 11/19

12 WG Chemicals – selected activities
Priority substances review Provisional shortlist of substances and need for volunteers to lead EQS finalisation - discussed at WG Chemicals, Mar 2017 Final shortlist could change on basis of additional monitoring data and refinement of EQS. Commission proposal on PS due beginning of 2018, but may propose intermediate voluntary action in MS 3rd RBMPs, then legislative follow-up coordinated with outputs from WFD review. Surface water watch list Reporting of data from first year of monitoring (Sept 2015-Sept 2016) largely complete; JRC has made preliminary analysis and will complete it by the summer to feed into review in the autumn. Strategic approach to pharmaceuticals in the environment Study to support the development of the approach still underway; public consultation on options for possible follow-up - this spring. Aim to finalise the approach by early 2018. 12/19

13 Agriculture Background: No CIS group under the current WP – issue raised from technical to more political level to seek cooperation with agriculture stakeholders Timeline: Commission expects to adopt by end April a Staff Working Document on "Water and sustainable agriculture" drafted between ENV/AGRI with input from JRC, SANTE, RTD. The SWD sets out an analysis of the main pressures (nutrients, abstraction, pesticides) on water status arising from agriculture and the need to work together across admin boundaries to address the issues together through the existing legislative framework. The SWD identifies areas where further action is needed to help MS better avail of the opportunities that existing AGRI/ENV policy tools provide. These are: governance arrangements, better implementation, financial instruments, knowledge and innovation Next steps – joint Water and Agriculture Director level meeting in Brussels 8 May under MT presidency to discuss the SWD Water is the agenda point for the Informal agri fish council meeting 22 May - agri ministers (and Commissioners Hogan and Vella) to discuss steps to be taken within current framework to deliver sustainable agriculture and water management 13/19

14 Ad-hoc Task Group (ATG) for the WFD Article 4(7) Guidance
Workshop on December 2016, Brussels Key issue paper as input for discussion at workshop Case studies collected during autumn 2016 First draft of CIS Guidance completed in February 2017 Comments received from MS representatives and stakeholders Second draft in preparation Meeting 4(7) ATG on 1-2 June 2017, Brussels Step-wise further development of Guidance during 2017 14/19

15 Started in January 2017 and has 2 parts
The BLUE2 Study on EU integrated policy assessment for freshwater and marine environment, on the economic benefits of EU water policy and on the costs for its non-implementation Started in January 2017 and has 2 parts 15/19

16 BLUE2 - Objectives and Tasks
Part A (18 months) Collect and generate solid economic arguments supporting the full implementation of EU water policy A1 – Literature review A2 – Demonstrating that water is a key resource for economic growth in the EU A3 – Assessment of the costs and benefits of the proper implementation of the EU water acquis in 8 river basins A4 – Improving the competitiveness of the EU water sector and promoting a more efficient use of water A5 – Stakeholder workshops Part B (24 months) Develop of an integrated policy assessment method and software linked to models of the freshwater and marine environment B1 – Establishment of an EU pressure inventory B2 – Establishment of an EU water and marine measures database B3 – Scenario design B4 – Freshwater and marine benefits concept and model assessment tool 16/19

17 Review Drinking Water Directive
REFIT Evaluation of the Directive 98/83/EC Commission Staff Working Document summarising the Evaluation published SWD(2016)428 final Revision included in the Commission Work Programme 2017 Preparation for revision on-going: Roadmap (Inception Impact Assessment) published for Feedback in February Impact Assessment Study and Study on Materials/Products in contact with Drinking Water published in March WHO-EC Cooperation Project Reviewing the Drinking Water Parameters to be concluded by Summer 2017 Commission Proposal and accompanying Impact Assessment scheduled for end 2017 17/19

18 EIP Water Initiative within the EU 2020 Innovation Union. EIP Water aims to identify, test, scale up, disseminate and stimulate the uptake of innovative solutions by the market and society for ten major water related challenges by 2020. 29 EIP Water Action Groups (Some linked to GW: e.g. AugMent AG124, COWAMA AG111, MAR AG128…). Phase: Focus on delivery of impacts. Action Groups speed up and overcome barriers individually. Involvement of FP7 and H2020 projects. Successful EIP Water Conference on 10 Feb in Leeuwarden (NL). Leeuwarden Declaration: why and how to drive water innovation in Europe Urban Water Agenda 2030 (Conference on 29/9/2017 in Porto, PT) 18/19

19 Upcoming meetings ATG on Water Reuse tbc, Cyprus (tbc)
SCG & Art. 21 Committee May, Brussels WGF Sub-group on Reporting May and 6 September, Brussels ATG Article 4(7) Guidance 1-2 June, Brussels Water & Marine Directors meeting June, Bratislava Prep-SCG 25 September, Brussels SCG & Art. 21 Committee September, Brussels WG DIS 2-3 October WG ECOSTAT October WG Floods and WGF Sub-group on Reporting October, Tallinn WG Chemicals October Water & Marine Directors meeting 4-5 December, Tallinn 19/19

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