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Summer Math Curse 2017 Name: Siri Gottipati.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer Math Curse 2017 Name: Siri Gottipati."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer Math Curse 2017 Name: Siri Gottipati

2 Problem #1 We went to New Jersey to visit our friends house. It took us 5 hours to get to their house. We stayed there for 2 hours. From there we went to our relatives house that took us 30 minutes. We stayed there overnight. Next morning we went to a function that took us 40 minutes to get there. After the function we drover back home which took us 5 hours. Question: What is the total time taken for driving only?

3 Problem #2 Over the summer we went for school supply shopping. We purchased 1 glue bottle for $2, 2 packs of glues sticks for $1.97 each, 8 note books for $1.29 each, 1 pair of scissors for $1.29, 4 files for $1.97 each, 2 packs of markers for $4 and a pack of 24 pencils for $2. Question: If we gave the cashier $50, how much money will we get back?

4 Problem #3 Over the summer I saw the Total Solar Eclipse. The moon covered the sun at different time intervals as below 10% covered at 2:00:00pm, 20% covered at 2:00:12pm, 30% covered at 2:00:30pm, 40% covered at 2:00:46pm, 50% covered at 2:00:57pm, 60% covered at 2:01:02pm, 70% covered at 2:01:09pm, 80% covered at 2:01:16pm, 90% covered at 2:01:23pm, 100% covered at 2:01:30pm 90% covered at 2:01:31pm, 80% covered at 2:01:40pm, 70% covered at 2:01:43pm, 60% covered at 2:01:47pm, 50% covered at 2:01:56pm, 40% covered at 2:02:03pm, 30% covered at 2:02:08pm, 20% covered at 2:02:17pm and 10% covered at 2:02:22pm. Question: For how much time did the moon cover more than 50% of the sun?

5 Total Solar Eclipse 20% at 2:00:15pm 30% at 2:00:30pm 40% at 2:00:46pm

6 Answer key Problem #1 Problem #2 Problem #3
5 hours+30 minutes+40 minutes+5 hours = 11 hours and 10 mins Do not add the time spent during stay as the question says driving only. Problem #2 All of it costs $ if we paid cashier $50, we would get back $50-$31.43 = $18.57 When it says for each you need to multiply the price by number of items, otherwise you take the price as is. If there are items with the same price then group all of them and then multiply. Problem #3 Time difference between 2:01:02pm and 2:01:47pm is 45 seconds Since it said more than 50%, we take the time after the first 50% and before the 2nd 50% and find the difference by hours, minutes and seconds

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