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Symmetry Concept: Multipolar Electric and Magnetic Fields

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1 Symmetry Concept: Multipolar Electric and Magnetic Fields
Electric multipole moment Magnetic multipole moment Partial integration  El. multipole moment unit = e×(length)ℓ , magn. multipole moment unit = µB×(length)ℓ−1, e = elementary charge, µB = Bohr magneton. ∇ · B = 0  there are no magn. monopoles. Concept of magn. monopole useful in describing magn. features of composite objects Int Elm Rad Useful representation of spherical harmonics: zero or positive integers p, q, and s, with p + q + s = ℓ and p − q = m. W. Udo Schröder, 20018

2 Coulomb Fields of Finite Charge Distributions
q z symmetry axis e q z System states are typically not spherical in any state (different types of deformation). Excitations open further types of deformation (see later) arbitrary nuclear charge distribution with normalization |e|Z Coulomb interaction system - e Details of shape are not “visible” at large distances. From distance, everything looks like a point charge. Int Elm Rad Expansion of «1 W. Udo Schröder, 20018

3 Coulomb Fields of Finite Charge Distributions
|e|Z Test Particle e q z symmetry axis Expansion of for |x|«1: Int Elm Rad Recovered “by accident” (?) expansion of symmetric angular shape in terms of W. Udo Schröder, 20018

4 Multipole Expansion of Coulomb Interaction
Total charge rd3r =|e|Z e q z symmetry axis Different multipole shapes/ distributions have different spatial symmetries and ranges Int Elm Rad W. Udo Schröder, 20018

5 Interactions of El Multipoles with Electric Fields
q+ q- z d x Consider example of hydrogen atom in homogeneous external electro-static field E  “Stark” perturbation (electronic charge e) En,ℓ (eV) Stark Effect in Hydrogen 2nd order effect Int Elm Rad W. Udo Schröder, 20018

6 Static Magnetic Fields
Examples from solid state and nuclear physics Here: The cubic fluorite crystal structure of the AnO2 compounds. Green spheres: actinide An ion, blue spheres:oxygen atoms. M.-T. Suzuki, N. Magnani, and P. M. OppeneerJournal of the Physical Society of Japan (2018) Int Elm Rad Schematics of the splitting of the 14 one-electron f orbitals. Spin-orbit interactions splits the orbitals in j = 5/2 and j = 7/2 orbitals, which are further split by the cubic crystal field. The number in the brackets denotes the degeneracy of the orbitals (M.-T. Suzuki, N. Magnani, and P. M. Oppeneer, Phys. Rev. B 88, (2013)). W. Udo Schröder, 20018

7 Multipole Magnetization Distributions
Spatial distributions of the magnetic moment densities of (a) UO2 and (b) NpO2, for two different viewing directions, [100] and [111], computed with U = 4 eV and J = 0.5 eV. The magnetic moment distributions are depicted on the isosurfaces of the charge densities for the [111] component, with magnitudes as given by the color bars with µB unit. The thin lines show the contour map of the charge density on a spherical surface. M.-T. Suzuki, N. Magnani, and P. M. Oppeneer, Phys. Rev. B 88, (2013) Int Elm Rad W. Udo Schröder, 20018

8 Magnetic Moment Interaction with Elm Field
Particles with intrinsic spin angular momentum have magnetic dipole moment, always coaxial with spin  (2s+1) possible energy states. msħ f z x y quantization axis Int Elm Rad  Distill component of interaction Hamiltonian from part within parentheses. W. Udo Schröder, 20018

9 Magnetic Dipole Moments
Moving charge e  current density j  vector potential A, influences particles at via magnetic field =0 Int Elm Rad current loop: mLoop = j x A= current x Area W. Udo Schröder, 20018

10 Magnetic Moments: Units and Scaling
Nuclear Spins g factors g<0  m I W. Udo Schröder, 2011

11 Total Nucleon Magnetic Moment
z Superposition of orbital and spin m: below use these single-particle states Precession of m around z-axis slaved by precession of j  all m components perp. to j vanish on average. Nuclear Spins maximum alignment of j W. Udo Schröder, 2011

12 Effective g Factor gj: effective g-factor
Magnetic moment for entire nucleus: analogous definition for maximum alignment, slaved by nuclear spin I precession Nuclear Spins W. Udo Schröder, 2011

13 Magnetic e-Nucleus Interactions
z Energy in homogeneous B-field || z axis Force in inhomogeneous B-field || z axis Atomic electrons (currents) produce B-field at nucleus, aligned with total electronic spin Nuclear Spins Total spin W. Udo Schröder, 2011

14 Magnetic Hyper-Fine Interactions
HF pattern depends on strength Bext weak Bext strong FS HFS Strong Bext breaks [J,I]F coupling. F import for weak Bext, independent for strong Bext 1s2p X-Ray Transition mJ2 Nuclear Spins E1, DmJ=0 electronic splitting 2 separated 2I+1=4 lines. (F not good qu. #) mJ -2 W. Udo Schröder, 2011

15 Rabi Atomic/Molecular Beam Experiment (1938)
Force on magnetic moment in inhomogeneous B-field ||z axis I. Rabi 1984 Alternating B gradients RF coil  DmI A B homogeneous B Aperture Nuclear Spins Magnet B compensates for effect of magnet A for a given mI Transition induced W. Udo Schröder, 2011

16 Parity Conservation and Central Potentials
Expt: There are no atoms or nuclei with non-zero electrostatic dipole moment  Consequences for Hamiltonian with some average mean field Ui for particles i (electrons, nucleons,..): Int Elm Rad Average mean field for particles conserves p  U= inversion invariant, e.g., central potential W. Udo Schröder, 20018

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