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Physics Jeopardy Electrostatics, Current electricity, and Quantum

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1 Physics Jeopardy Electrostatics, Current electricity, and Quantum

2 Electrostatics Current Electricity Electro- magnetism Quantum/ Nuclear Quantum/ Nuclear 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus

3 What types of charges attract?
5 Positive and negative charges _______. What types of charges attract?

4 10 Coulomb’s Law is used to determine the new electrostatic force if BOTH charges are doubled What is 4F?

5 What has the highest electrical resistance value?
15 Insulator What has the highest electrical resistance value?

6 Remember to use the relationship of Coulomb’s Law
20 Remember to use the relationship of Coulomb’s Law How does the graph show that force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance

7 25 The electrostatic force increases by 4 since the force will increase by the factor of the square of the distance. Remember to use the relationship of Coulomb’s Law What happens to the electrostatic force when the distance between 2 charged objects is decreased by 2?

8 BONUS Two charged spheres are 20 cm apart and exert an attractive force of 5 x 10-9 N on each other. Which will be the force of attraction when the spheres are moved to 10 cm apart? What is 2 x 10-8 N

9 What is a series circuit?
5 One light bulb burns out and the other bulbs in the circuit stop working. What is a series circuit?

10 10 A brighter light is a result of a substance that allows electricity to flow easiest. What is a conductor?

11 What is a 100 watt light bulb?
The brightness of 2 light bulbs is observed. A 40 watt a 100 watt light bulb. One of the light bulbs has less resistance. Think: P = V2/R 15 What is a 100 watt light bulb?

12 20 Calculate the potential difference if a battery supplies 0.17 amps across 10 ohms What is 1.7 V?

13 25 Calculate the amount of minutes a toy car that requires 3 amps to operate and has a 1.5 V with 5,000 Joules of stored potential energy can be used before it runs out of energy. What is 19 minutes?

14 Calculate the total resistance for the circuit shown.
Bonus Calculate the total resistance for the circuit shown. What is 15 ohms?

15 5 Mechanical energy is used to change a magnetic field near a conductor which induces an electric current What is a generator?

16 What is an electromagnet and what does
10 A magnet that can be turned on and off by an electric current and the strength can be altered. What is an electromagnet and what does increasing coils, adding an iron core, and using more current do to an electromagnet?

17 How is the magnetic field pointing up?
15 Determine the direction of the B field How is the magnetic field pointing up?

18 20 A transformer uses the following equation Power = VI to transfer power through power transmission lines safely to your homes from a power plant. How does voltage decrease as the available amount of current increases?

19 Determine the direction of the magnetic field and the north pole using the right hand rule
25 How is the north pole to the right and the magnetic field pointing left?

20 Random: Charge evenly distributes on a surface of a material.
Bonus Random: Charge evenly distributes on a surface of a material. What is a conductor?

21 How does increasing the frequency of light move an electron?
5 The photoelectric effect explains how energy is in packets called photons How does increasing the frequency of light move an electron?

22 How is light both a wave and particle?
10 The photoelectric effect demonstrates the duality of light with photons. How is light both a wave and particle?

23 The light observed in the sky of the northern lights
15 The light observed in the sky of the northern lights What is observed as photons are being emitted as they return back to ground state?

24 20 Mass is a measure of energy, calculate the amount of mass needed to provide the earth with 7.1 x 1020 J of energy. What is 7.9 x 103 kg?

25 The diagram below represents the bright-line spectra of four elements, A, B, C, and D, and the spectrum of an unknown gaseous sample. Identify the element(s) that are NOT present. 25 What is element A and D?

26 What is counter clockwise?
Random: A metal ring falls from the top to the bottom of the page. It starts at a height just above a magnetic field pointing into the page. As it enters the field, in what direction does the induced current in the ring flow? Bonus What is counter clockwise?

27 How does a small amount of matter contain a large amount of energy?
5 Einstein’s paper became famous because of its general proposal of mass-energy equivalence which states the relationship between mass and energy. How does a small amount of matter contain a large amount of energy?

28 Superconducting magnets… What are applications of quantum mechanics?
Your computer (CPU). Your phone (CPU). Your TV. Your tablet. The internet. Lasers. Medical imaging. Your eyeball Superconducting magnets… 10 What are applications of quantum mechanics?

29 Identify the strongest force in the universe and it’s application
15 Identify the strongest force in the universe and it’s application What is the strong nuclear force and how does it hold a nucleus together?

30 This force is only effective over very short distances
20 This force is only effective over very short distances Why is the strong nuclear force not as effective for large elements?

31 25 Einstein discovered that the mass of the separated particles is greater than the mass of the intact stable nucleus to begin with. What is mass defect?

32 Bonus Random: Draw a parallel circuit with 4 identical 2 ohm resistors with a 10 V battery and calculate the total current. What is 20 Amps?

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