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Online SPSA Updates LDNE Title 1 Coordinators Mtg. 12/1/17

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1 2018-2019 Online SPSA Updates LDNE Title 1 Coordinators Mtg. 12/1/17
SPSA Training 1/12/18 & 1/19/18

2 What is the same for the 2018-19 SPSA?
Logging into the template is the same:


4 Accessing resources is the same:

5 F.A.Q.s

6 SSC Involvement is the same:
Conduct Needs Assessment Develop Goals and Objectives Develop Budget Recommend SPSA and Budget for Approval Monitor Implementation of the SPSA

7 Goals and Focus Areas are the same:
Schools do not need to address all 6 goal areas (except Culture/Climate and EL) Schools do not need to address all Focus Areas within a goal (except Building Parent Capacity) Schools must answer questions 1-5 (as applicable) for each goal area

8 Entering Budget Items is the same:
Schools will enter a separate Strategy, Actions, Task box for each Budget Item (unless you are purchasing multiple positions of the same item, e.g. CSR, TA, etc.)

9 School will select allowable expenses from pull down menus
You can view the Budget Summary by selecting the dollar bill icon on the dashboard

10 The timeline/review process is the same:
December- Schools begin plan writing process January- SPSA Trainings (Jan. 12,19) Feb./March- Writing Workshops (Feb. 9,16 & March 2,9,22,23) March 14,15,16- Budget Development Trainings/Tentative Allocations Drop Submit Plans for Review (via Comment Boxes) March/April- Budget Development Appointments May/June- Additional Review and Final Approval

11 What is different? Many pages/sections/budget items (personnel) have been pre- populated using last year’s information If schools have at least 1 English Learner they must complete the EL Goal page (even if schools do not receive Title III funds) Schools may enter more than one Measurable Objective for a Goal but should enter them in different boxes

12 What is different? The SPSA Online template and BTS will be integrated (by Fall 2018)/ Tentative The SPSA Modification Process will be online

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