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Welcome & Charge for the Meeting

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1 Welcome & Charge for the Meeting
SANS STAP Meeting ESS, 4th of December 2018 Ken Andersen, Neutron Instruments Division, European Spallation Source ERIC

2 Welcome! We are now nominally on a regular schedule
2 STAP meetings per year, synchronised with SAC meetings Reporting to SAC meeting Spring: short video meeting Autumn: longer physical meeting

3 Purpose and Remit of Instrument STAPs
Scientific and Technical Advisory Panels one per instrument class STAP: instrument advisory body science case and functional requirements all aspects which impact on scientific output of instrument (not just instrument project) technical and project decisions early science Advice to both NSS management and instrument teams collaborative & non-adversarial setting NSS management & instrument teams take advice constructively allows NSS management & instrument teams to make good, informed decisions Each STAP meeting results in written recommendations followed up in subsequent meeting(s) presented at following SAC meeting

4 Structure and format of STAPs
Last SANS STAP meeting was in April Possible merger of SANS and Reflectometry STAPs discussed Consistency with structure of other STAPs Consistency with future instrument groups

5 STAP Membership November 2018
SANS Charles Dewhurst William Heller Daniel Clemens Anna Sokolova Joao Cabral Jonathan White Diffraction Paul Attfield Pascal Manuel Reinhard Neder Katharine Page Gwenaëlle Rousse Manuel Angst Tom Fennell Oksana Zaharko Eng. & Imaging Sven Vogel Winfried Kockelmann Javier Santisteban Stephen Hall Nikolay Kardjilov Luise Theil-Kuhn Francesco Grazzi Spectroscopy Victoria Garcia-Sakai Andrew Boothroyd Maikel Rheinstädter Astrid Schneidewind Bernhard Frick Timmy Ramirez-Cuesta Georg Ehlers Rob Bewley Peter Albers Reflectometry Mike Fitzsimmons Richard Campbell Kelly Morrison Frank Heinrich Frank Schreiber Peter Müller-Buschbaum Robert Jacobs NMX John Helliwell Derek Logan Matthew Blakeley Nobuo Niimura Andreas Ostermann Particle Physics Mike Snow Geoff Greene Klaus Kirch Valery Nesvizhevsky Peter Geltenbort Fred Wietfeldt Neutron Spin Echo Georg Ehlers Stéphane Longeville Thomas Keller Hitoshi Endo Peter Falus Jason Gardner

6 STAP Membership November 2018
Large-Scale Structures Diffraction Eng. & Imaging Spectroscopy SANS Charles Dewhurst William Heller Daniel Clemens Anna Sokolova Joao Cabral Jonathan White Diffraction Paul Attfield Pascal Manuel Reinhard Neder Katharine Page Gwenaëlle Rousse Manuel Angst Tom Fennell Oksana Zaharko Eng. & Imaging Sven Vogel Winfried Kockelmann Javier Santisteban Stephen Hall Nikolay Kardjilov Luise Theil-Kuhn Francesco Grazzi Spectroscopy Victoria Garcia-Sakai Andrew Boothroyd Maikel Rheinstädter Astrid Schneidewind Bernhard Frick Timmy Ramirez-Cuesta Georg Ehlers Rob Bewley Peter Albers Reflectometry Mike Fitzsimmons Richard Campbell Kelly Morrison Frank Heinrich Frank Schreiber Peter Müller-Buschbaum Robert Jacobs NMX John Helliwell Derek Logan Matthew Blakeley Nobuo Niimura Andreas Ostermann Particle Physics Mike Snow Geoff Greene Klaus Kirch Valery Nesvizhevsky Peter Geltenbort Fred Wietfeldt Neutron Spin Echo Georg Ehlers Stéphane Longeville Thomas Keller Hitoshi Endo Peter Falus Jason Gardner

7 Structure and format of STAPs
Last SANS STAP meeting was in April Possible merger of SANS and Reflectometry STAPs discussed Consistency with structure of other STAPs Consistency with future instrument groups Decision made to keep to current structure STAPs are working well: “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” Consider a break-up of the Spectroscopy STAP SANS and Reflectometry are technically quite different Separate NMX STAP should continue Maintain STAP expertise on building and commissioning Maintain STAP expertise on scientific programme Decision made in July Hence SANS & Reflectometry STAPs did not meet in September Need to be brought into phase with SAC meetings

8 Charge for the STAP Meeting
Instrument teams: Prepare instrument progress reports in advance of the meeting and present them at the meeting Prepare plans for technical scientific hot commissioning in coordination with DMSC and SAD and present them at the meeting Identify hot topics and raise them at the meeting ESS management: Organise the meeting Provide feedback on the actions identified at the last STAP meeting Prepare a draft capability gap analysis for presentation and feedback at the meetiung

9 Charge for the STAP Meeting
To what extent is instrument progress consistent with the schedule? To what extent are the instruments on track for delivering early science? To what extent are the plans for technical and scientific hot commissioning suited for delivering early science? To what extent are the instrument project plans aligned with the plans of DMSC and SAD? Comment on and suggest improvements to the capability gap analysis

10 Thank you! ESS site 2016 5th June 2015

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