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Public Forum Doctrine Religion and the Constitution.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Forum Doctrine Religion and the Constitution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Forum Doctrine Religion and the Constitution

2 Categories of Public Forums
1) Traditional or Quintessential Public Forums 2) Designated Public Forums 3) Nonpublic Forums

3 Traditional or Quintessential Public Forums
Examples – Streets and Parks Guaranteed Access Rights Content Neutral Time, Place, and Manner Regulations Content-Based Regulations Evaluated Under Strict Scrutiny Test

4 Designated Public Forums
Places that the government has intentionally opened up for the purpose of either all or certain kinds of First Amendment activities by members of the public or by a particular segment of the public such as students in a designated forum created by the school they attend.

5 Designated Public Forums
The government can regulate access to designated forums in the same manner as traditional public forums. Designated Public Forums may be unlimited or limited public forums, although most are limited public forums. The government can limit the forum by speaker identity, subject matter, time, etc. so long as the limitations are reasonable in light of the purpose of the forum and not based on viewpoint.

6 How to Identify A Designated Public Forum
To identify whether property qualifies as a designated public forum, courts examine: the policy and practice of the government (to determine if it intended to designate a place as a public forum); the nature of the property and its compatibility with expressive activity (to discern the government’s intent); allowing selective access is not always determinative of designated public forum status; designated public forums may be limited and selective access may only be allowed for those who fall within the limits of the forum.

7 Nonpublic Forums Nonpublic forum is the residual category for government property that is neither a traditional nor a designated public forum. Nonpublic forums can be regulated by the use of reasonable regulations that do not discriminate on the basis of viewpoint.

8 Government Speech A public forum is a place the government makes available for speech by private speakers not for the government itself. When only the government is allowed to speak, it does not open up a forum for private speakers. Government speech can express a particular viewpoint. Government property used for the government’s own speech does not become a nonpublic forum. Thus, no First Amendment limits apply.

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