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Enlargement in the Light of the Lisbon Treaty

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1 Enlargement in the Light of the Lisbon Treaty
Community Agencies: Your Partners in Accession, Lisbon, November 2009 Enlargement in the Light of the Lisbon Treaty Dr. David Phinnemore School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy, Queen’s University Belfast

2 Enlargement and Lisbon: the ‘good’ news
Lisbon Treaty ratified: EU’s constitutional impasse resolved No appetite for further institutional navel-gazing No new major internal policy project No major expansion of the acquis A new focus on external relations

3 Enlargement and Lisbon: the ‘mixed’ news
Towards enlargement? Commitment: status quo retained Increased demands of applicants: values and promotion Increasing demands: European Council conclusions Process: still unanimity

4 The Evolving Dynamics of EU Enlargement
Conditionality and benchmarks: signposts or obstacles? Differentiation: goodbye to regional enlargements? Vetoes ... and willing veto-players? Internal conditionality: integration capacity Terra incognita: referenda and public opinion

5 Cooperation and Partnership on the (long) road to EU Membership
Convincing the EU of one’s capacity ... or ‘walking the walk, not just talking the talk’ Increasing knowledge and know-how Increasing capacity Increasing trust and reputation Building contacts and becoming socialized

6 Cooperation and Partnership in preparation for EU Membership
From candidate to member From outsider to insider From new member to active member From policy-taker to policy-shaper

7 Cooperation and Partnership in integration
Gaining formal EU membership is only a moment – admittedly of great political, legal and symbolic importance – in the process of integration.

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