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Divide & Conquer Sorting

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1 Divide & Conquer Sorting
Merge Sort Divide & Conquer Sorting 7 2   7  2  2 7 9  4  4 9 7  7 2  2 9  9 4  4 Divide and Conquer Sorting

2 Divide and Conquer Sorting
Divide-and conquer is a general algorithm design paradigm: Divide: divide the input data S in two disjoint subsets S1 and S2. Continue division until problem is ‘tractable’. Compute: solve the subproblems associated with S1 and S2 Conquer: combine the solutions for S1 and S2 into a solution for S Mergesort and Quicksort are two examples. Divide and Conquer Sorting

3 Divide and Conquer Sorting
Merge-Sort Merge-sort on an input sequence S with n elements consists of three steps: Divide: partition S into two sequences S1 and S2 of about n/2 elements each, until only 1 element remains in each S1 and S2 Compute: sort S1 and S2 Conquer: merge S1 and S2 into a unique sorted sequence Divide and Conquer Sorting

4 Merging Two Sorted Sequences
The conquer step of merge-sort consists of merging two sorted sequences A and B into a sorted sequence S containing all of the elements of A and B Merging two sorted sequences, each with n/2 elements takes O(n) time. Why? Each element must be ‘scanned’ before being merged! Divide and Conquer Sorting

5 Divide and Conquer Sorting
Execution Example Partition   7 2  2 7 9 4  4 9 3 8  3 8 6 1  1 6 7  7 2  2 9  9 4  4 3  3 8  8 6  6 1  1 Divide and Conquer Sorting

6 Execution Example (cont.)
Continue partition until problem size is 1   7 2  9 4  7 2  2 7 9 4  4 9 3 8  3 8 6 1  1 6 7  7 2  2 9  9 4  4 3  3 8  8 6  6 1  1 Divide and Conquer Sorting

7 Execution Example (cont.)
Continue partition until problem size is 1   7 2  9 4  7  2  2 7 9 4  4 9 3 8  3 8 6 1  1 6 7  7 2  2 9  9 4  4 3  3 8  8 6  6 1  1 Divide and Conquer Sorting

8 Execution Example (cont.)
‘Base’ case of 1!   7 2  9 4  7  2  2 7 9 4  4 9 3 8  3 8 6 1  1 6 7  7 2  2 9  9 4  4 3  3 8  8 6  6 1  1 Divide and Conquer Sorting

9 Execution Example (cont.)
Here, too, base case of 1!   7 2  9 4  7  2  2 7 9 4  4 9 3 8  3 8 6 1  1 6 7  7 2  2 9  9 4  4 3  3 8  8 6  6 1  1 Divide and Conquer Sorting

10 Execution Example (cont.)
Merge   7 2  9 4  7  2  2 7 9 4  4 9 3 8  3 8 6 1  1 6 7  7 2  2 9  9 4  4 3  3 8  8 6  6 1  1 Divide and Conquer Sorting

11 Execution Example (cont.)
Recursive call, …, base case, merge   7 2  9 4  7  2  2 7 9 4  4 9 3 8  3 8 6 1  1 6 7  7 2  2 9  9 4  4 3  3 8  8 6  6 1  1 Divide and Conquer Sorting

12 Divide and Conquer Sorting
Now you do the right hand side Divide and Conquer Sorting

13 Execution Example (cont.)
Merge   7 2  9 4  7  2  2 7 9 4  4 9 3 8  3 8 6 1  1 6 7  7 2  2 9  9 4  4 3  3 8  8 6  6 1  1 Divide and Conquer Sorting

14 Execution Example (cont.)
Recursive call, …, merge, merge   7 2  9 4  7  2  2 7 9 4  4 9 3 8  3 8 6 1  1 6 7  7 2  2 9  9 4  4 3  3 8  8 6  6 1  1 Divide and Conquer Sorting

15 Execution Example (cont.)
Merge   7 2  9 4  7  2  2 7 9 4  4 9 3 8  3 8 6 1  1 6 7  7 2  2 9  9 4  4 3  3 8  8 6  6 1  1 Divide and Conquer Sorting

16 Analysis of Merge-Sort
The “height” h of the merge-sort tree is O(log n) This is a consequence of the dividing the problem in 2 at each step, The overall amount of work done at each merge i is O(n) Thus, the total running time of merge-sort is O(n log n) size n Divide and Conquer Sorting

17 Running times in practice
Home PC executes 108 comparisons/sec Supercomputer does 1012 comps/sec. Insertion Sort (n2) Mergesort (n log n) How do you think they got these numbers Good algorithms are better than a supercomputer! Computer thousand million billion home instant 2.8 hours 317 years super 1 second 1.6 weeks thousand million billion instant 1 sec 18 mins Divide and Conquer Sorting

18 Introducing Quicksort
Mergesort Sorts “at the end” Partition is left/right i.e. merge is sorting step Quicksort Sorts “at beginning” Partition is < or > less than or greater than i.e. partition is sorting step! Divide and Conquer Sorting

19 Divide and Conquer Sorting
Quick-Sort Quick-sort is a sorting algorithm based on the divide-and-conquer: Divide: pick a random element x (called pivot) and partition S into L elements less than x E elements equal x G elements greater than x Re-apply: above on L and G Conquer: join L, E and G x x L G E x Divide and Conquer Sorting

20 Divide and Conquer Sorting
Execution Example Pivot selection < 6 > 6 2  2 9 4  4 9 3  3 8  8 9  9 4  4 Divide and Conquer Sorting

21 Execution Example (cont.)
Partition, repeat pivot selection. < 2 >2 2  2 9 4  4 9 3  3 8  8 9  9 4  4 Divide and Conquer Sorting

22 Execution Example (cont.)
Partition, select pivot, base case    1  1 9 4  4 9 3  3 8  8 9  9 4  4 Divide and Conquer Sorting

23 Execution Example (cont.)
partition, select pivot, smallest case, join 1  1 4 3  3 4 3  3 8  8 < 3 > 3 9  9 4  4 Divide and Conquer Sorting

24 Divide and Conquer Sorting
Now you do the right hand side Divide and Conquer Sorting

25 Execution Example (cont.)
Partition, pivot selection 1  1 4 3  3 4 8  8 9  9 9  9 4  4 Divide and Conquer Sorting

26 Execution Example (cont.)
Partition, …, select pivot, smallest case < 7 > 7 1  1 4 3  3 4 8  8 9  9 9  9 4  4 Divide and Conquer Sorting

27 Execution Example (cont.)
Join, join 1  1 4 3  3 4 8  8 9  9 9  9 4  4 Divide and Conquer Sorting

28 ‘Flat’ ways to view Quicksort
(sound) Divide and Conquer Sorting

29 Worst-case Running Time
Divide and Conquer Sorting

30 Worst-case Running Time
The worst case for quick-sort occurs when the pivot is the unique minimum or maximum element One of L and G has size n - 1 and the other has size 0 The running time is proportional to the sum n + (n - 1) + … Thus, the worst-case running time of quick-sort is O(n2) Divide and Conquer Sorting

31 Worst-case Running Time
Merge Sort Worst-case Running Time The worst case for quick-sort occurs when the pivot is the unique minimum or maximum element One of L and G has size n - 1 and the other has size 0 The running time is proportional to the sum n + (n - 1) + … Thus, the worst-case running time of quick-sort is O(n2) depth time n 1 n - 1 Divide and Conquer Sorting

32 Divide and Conquer Sorting
Expected Running Time Consider a call of quick-sort on a sequence of size s Good case: the sizes of L and G are roughly the same Bad case: the sizes of L and G differ greatly (not well-divided) A case is good with probability 1/2 1/2 of the possible pivots cause good calls:  1 1 Good case Bad case Bad pivots Good pivots Bad pivots Divide and Conquer Sorting

33 Running times in practice
Home PC executes 108 comparisons/sec Supercomputer does 1012 comps/sec. Insertion Sort (N2) Mergesort (N log N) Quicksort (N log N) Great algorithms better than good ones! Computer thousand million billion home instant 2.8 hours 317 years super 1 second 1.6 weeks thousand million billion instant 1 sec 18 mins thousand million billion instant 0.3 sec 6 mins Divide and Conquer Sorting

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