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Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems

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1 Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems
Zhibin Wu Yan Liu Xiangpeng Jing

2 OUTLINE OFDM System Introduction Channel Estimation Techniques
Performance Evaluation Conclusion

3 OFDM Overview Divides high-speed serial information signal into multiple lower-speed sub-signals: Transmits simultaneously at different frequencies in parallel. Modulation ( BPSK, PSK,QPSK,16QAM, …). Pilot sub-carriers used to prevent frequency and phase shift errors. Usage of cyclic prefix for lower multi-path distortion Controlled overlapping of bands in one channel Max spectral efficiency (Nyquist rate) Easy implementation using inverse FFTs Easy time-freq. Synchronization Modulate by switching between time and frequency domain

4 Introduction to OFDM Systems

5 Time-Frequency View

6 Some Assumptions Usage of cyclic Prefix
Impulse response of the channel shorter than Cyclic Prefix Slow fading effects so that the channel is time-invariant over the symbol interval Rectangular Windowing of the transmitted pulses Perfect Synchronization of transmitter and receiver Additive, white, Gaussian channel noise

7 System Architecture

8 System Architecture (cont’d)
Input to time domain Guard Interval Channel Guard Removal Output to frequency domain Output Channel Estimation Channel ICI AWGN Estimated Channel

9 Pilot for Channel Estimation
Comb Type: Part of the sub-carriers are always reserved as pilot for each symbol Block Type: All sub-carriers is used as pilot in a specific period Time Carriers Time Carriers

10 Block-type Channel Estimation
LS: Least Square Estimation

11 Comb-type Estimation LS Estimate LMS Estimate
Np pilot signals uniformly inserted in X(k) L=Number of Carriers/Np xp(m) is the mth pilot carrier value {Hp(k) k=0,1,…,Np} , channel at pilot sub-carriers Xp input at the kth pilot sub-carrier Yp output at the kth pilot sub-carrier LS Estimate LMS Estimate Yp(k) Xp(k) - e(k) LMS +

12 Interpolation for Comb-type
Linear Interpolation Second Order Interpolation

13 Simulation Parameters
Specifications FFT Size 64 Number of Carriers Pilot Ratio 1/16 Guard Length 16 Guard Type Cyclic Extension data rate of OFDM signal 1Mbps/sub-carrier Signal Constellation 16QAM

14 System structure in MATLAB Simulation

15 OFDM Transmitter OFDM Receiver

16 Received and Recovered Signals
Received signal phases are distorted by multi-path fading

17 Comb-LS Estimation Combating multipath rayleigh fading with RLS adaptive equalization A detail simulation with MATLAB 20 multipath, random phase, and weibull distribution of amplitutde Symbol Error Rate

18 Comb-LS Estimation

19 Filter length .vs. Sample Rate
Observed Symbol error rate with F ( filter length ) and S ( samples per symbol) Keep the ratio of F/S, increase S Keep S, increase F.

20 Conclusion OFDM System Introduction Block Type Comb Type
Direct or Decision Feedback Comb Type LS or LMS estimation at pilot frequencies Interpolation Techniques Linear Second Order Time Domain Modulation BPSK,QPSK,16QAM,DQPSK Some Results: Comb Type performs better since it tracks fast fading channels. RLS algorithm vs. LMS algorithm

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