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PERFORMANCE INFORMATION ON PRE-DETERMINED OBJECTIVES AND BUDGET (3rd and 4th Quarter of 2014/15 financial year) Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training 17 June 2015
Presentation Outline 1. Background
Performance on pre-determined objectives: Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination Programme 3: University Education Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training Programme 5: Skills Development 3. Financial Performance
Background The Department had set 43 key delivery targets for the 2014/15 financial year For the quarter ending 31 December 2014 (3rd Quarter) There were 12 delivery targets to report on: 7 (58%) of the targets were achieved; and 5 (42%) of the targets were not achieved. For the quarter ending 31 March 2015 (4th Quarter) There were 31 delivery targets to report on: 19 (61%) of the targets were achieved; and 12 (39%) were not achieved.
Programme 1: Administration
Purpose: Conduct the overall management of the Department and provide centralised support services For the quarter ending 31 December 2014 (3rd Quarter) There were no specific delivery targets For the quarter ending 31 March 2015 (4th Quarter) 3 targets: Not Achieved
Programme 1: Administration Performance Indicator
3rd Quarter Target 4th Quarter Target Actual Performance Number of ICT Governance Frameworks Components implemented - 1 Target not achieved Draft ICT Governance Framework component developed Average period it takes to fill a funded vacancy from the date of advertisement to the date of recommendation 4 months Posts advertised during the quarter under review were in progress at the time of reporting. However, it took an average of 6 months to fill a funded vacancy from the date of advertisement to the date of approval by the Accounting Authority Average period it takes to award a bid from the date of receiving the draft bid specifications from programme managers 3 months It took an average of 6 months to award a bid from date of submission of draft bid specifications by programme managers
Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination
Purpose: Provide strategic direction in the development, implementation and monitoring of Departmental policies and Human Resource Development Strategy for South Africa For the quarter ending 31 December 2014 (3rd Quarter) There were no specific delivery targets For the quarter ending 31 March 2015 (4th Quarter) 3 Targets: 2 Achieved and 1 Not Achieved
Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination
Purpose: Provide strategic direction in the development, implementation and monitoring of Departmental policies and Human Resource Development Strategy for South Africa Performance Indicator 3rd Quarter Target 4th Quarter Target Actual Performance Percentage of public institutional data integration into education and training management information system according to the specifications list of fields as approved by the HETMIS Standards Committee - 100% Target Achieved 100% of public institutional data (50 Public TVET colleges, 23 HE institutions and 21 SETAs) integrated into education and training management information system A draft and final career development policy and implementation strategy developed, consulted and gazetted Draft policy communicated and consulted with stakeholders by 31 March 2015 Draft career policy communicated and consulted with stakeholders
Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination
Purpose: Provide strategic direction in the development, implementation and monitoring of Departmental policies and Human Resource Development Strategy for South Africa Performance Indicator 3rd Quarter Target 4th Quarter Target Actual Performance Engagement plans developed and implementation report compiled - Engagement plans developed and implementation report compiled and approved by the Director-General Target not achieved Engagement plans developed and implementation report compiled. Approval by the Director-General was obtained on 8 April 2015
Programme 3: University Education
Purpose: Develops and coordinates policy and regulatory frameworks for an effective and efficient university education system and provides financial support to universities, National Student Financial Aid Scheme and National Institutes for Higher Education For the quarter ending 31 December 2014 (3rd Quarter) 9 Targets: 6 Achieved and 3 Not Achieved For the quarter ending 31 March (4th Quarter) 14 Targets: 13 Achieved and 1 Not Achieved
Programme 3: University Education Performance Indicator
3rd Quarter Target 4th Quarter Target Actual Performance Number of students enrolled in higher education studies at universities (2013 academic year, verified by October 2014) - Target achieved Number of first time enrolments at universities (2013 academic year, verified by October 2014) Target not achieved Number of African student enrolments at universities Number of female students at universities
Programme 3: University Education Performance Indicator
3rd Quarter Target Actual Performance 4th Quarter Target Proportion of enrolments in SET: Business Science: Humanities of 29:29:42 for the academic year, HEMIS audited and verified by October 2014 Proportion of enrolments in SET: Business Science: Humanities of 29:29:42 for the academic year, HEMIS audited and verified by October 2014 Target not achieved 29:28:43 ( HEMIS audited data verified by October 2014) - Number of public higher education institutions established 1 new university established as a juristic person in terms of the Higher Education Act by March 2015 Target achieved SMU was established as a juristic person in terms of the Higher Education Act
Programme 3: University Education Performance Indicator
3rd Quarter Target 4th Quarter Target Actual Performance A monitoring report on the use of the earmarked grant to support the development of each of the newly established universities - A monitoring report on the use of the earmarked grant to support the development of each of the newly established universities (University of Mpumalanga (UMP) and Sol Plaatje University (SPU)) produced and approved by the Director- General by 31 March 2015 Target achieved Director- General approved monitoring report on the use of the earmarked grant to support the development of UMP and SPU by March 2015
Programme 3: University Education Performance Indicator
3rd Quarter Target 4th Quarter Target Actual Performance Number of universities supported to offer programmes for TVET college lecturers in line with new TVET lecturer qualification policy - 5 universities have submitted applications for Programme Qualifications Mix (PQM) approval to offer the qualification programmes for TVET college lecturers by March 2015 Target not achieved 2 have submitted applications for PQM approval to offer the qualification programmes for TVET college lecturers by March 2015 (CPUT and UWC)
Programme 3: University Education Performance Indicator
3rd Quarter Target 4th Quarter Target Actual Performance A national policy on Professional Qualifications for Educators in Community and Adult Education and Training is published in the Government Gazette - A national Policy on Professional Qualifications for Educators in Community and Adult Education and Training is published in the Government Gazette by 31 March 2015 Target achieved Policy on Professional Qualifications for Educators in Community and Adult Education published in Gazette No on 27 March 2015 Amount (in Rand value) of infrastructure grants disbursed to universities for the improvement of different projects R2.2 billion disbursed to universities by March 2015 R2.2 billion disbursed to universities by March 2015
Programme 3: University Education Performance Indicator
3rd Quarter Target Actual Performance 4th Quarter Target A monitoring report on the effective use of infrastructure grants by each university produced - A monitoring report on the effective use of infrastructure grants by each university produced and approved by the Director- General by 31 March 2015 Target achieved Monitoring report on the effective use of infrastructure grants by universities approved by the Director- General by 31 March 2015 Total number of students in foundation provisioning programmes at universities 16 900 (2013 academic year verified by October 2014) 17 960
Programme 3: University Education Performance Indicator
3rd Quarter Target Actual Performance 4th Quarter Target % success rate in higher education studies at public institutions 76% (2013 academic year, verified by October 2014) Target not achieved 74% - Annual monitoring report on the outputs of scarce skill graduates from public universities with recommendations for interventions Annual monitoring report on the outputs of scarce skills graduates from 23 universities with recommendations for interventions produced and approved by the Director- General by 31 March 2015. Target achieved Monitoring report on the outputs of scarce skills graduates from 23 universities with recommendations for interventions approved by the Director- General by 31 March 2015
Programme 3: University Education Performance Indicator
3rd Quarter Target 4th Quarter Target Actual Performance A set of key financial, performance, and governance indicators developed to evaluate the governance and management of public higher education institutions - A set of key financial indicators developed to evaluate the financial health of public higher education institutions and approved by the Director-General Target achieved A set of key financial indicators to evaluate the financial health of public higher education institution approved by the Director-General by 31 March 2015 Annual report on the financial health of each university (25) with recommendations for improvements An annual report on the financial health of 25 universities with recommendations for improvement approved by the Director-General by 31 March 2015
Programme 3: University Education Performance Indicator
3rd Quarter Target Actual Performance 4th Quarter Target An annual monitoring report on the compliance of PHEIs - An annual monitoring report on PHEIs compliance with regulatory criteria with recommendations for improvement produced and approved by the Director-General Target achieved Monitoring report on PHEIs’ compliance with the regulatory criteria with recommendations for improvement approved by the Director-General by 31 March 2015 Number of postgraduate graduates 48 100 (2013 academic year, verified by October 2014) 50 773 Number of doctoral graduates 1 950 2 051
Programme 3: University Education Performance Indicator
3rd Quarter Target 4th Quarter Target Actual Performance An improved policy on the measurement of research outputs of universities published in the government gazette for implementation - An improved Policy on the measurement of research outputs of universities is approved by the Minister and published in the government gazette for implementation by 31 March 2015 Target achieved The Research Output Policy (2015) published in the Government Gazette on March 2015 An annual report on improved research productivity of universities An annual report on the research outputs of 23 universities approved by Director-General and published by 31 March 2015 Report on the research outputs of 23 universities approved by the Director-General by March 2015
Programme 3: University Education Performance Indicator
3rd Quarter Target 4th Quarter Target Actual Performance Number of updates on the HEMIS for audited student and staff data - Two (one student and one staff) updates for 23 universities by March 2015 Target achieved Two (one student and one staff) updates for 23 universities done in October 2014 Number of updates on the HEMIS system for final building space data from the universities One annual update for 23 universities by March 2015 One annual update for 23 universities done in October 2014
Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training
Purpose: Plan, develop, evaluate, monitor and maintain national policy, programmes, assessment practices and systems for vocational and continuing education and training, including further education and training colleges and post literacy adult education and training For the quarter ending 31 December 2014 (3rd Quarter) There were no specific delivery targets For the quarter ending 31 March 2015 (4th Quarter) 5 Targets: 1 Achieved and 4 Not Achieved
Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training
Performance Indicator 3rd Quarter Target 4th Quarter Target Actual Performance Number of TVET colleges annual headcount enrolments on Ministerial approved and occupationally directed programmes in an academic year - headcount enrolments in TVET colleges by March 2014 Target not achieved (unaudited) student headcount enrolments have been recorded Certification rates in exit levels in the Report 190/1 and NC(V) qualifications in an academic year NC(V) L4: 57% N1-N3: 50% N6: 50% NC(V) L4: 34.4% N1-N3: 59.5% N6: 42.7%
Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training
Performance Indicator 3rd Quarter Target 4th Quarter Target Actual Performance Pass rate in the NC(V) Levels 2 to 4 Maths and Maths Literacy programmes in an academic year - Mathematics: NC(V) L2: 52% NC(V) L3: 46% NC(V) L4: 56% Mathematics Literacy: NC(V) L2: 72% NC(V) L3: 82% NC(V) L4: 87% Target not achieved NC(V) L2: 47.2% NC(V) L3: 46.4% NC(V) L4: 35% NC(V) L2: 70.5% NC(V) L3: 82.4% NC(V) L4: 78.7%
Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training
Performance Indicator 3rd Quarter Target 4th Quarter Target Actual Performance Certification rates for bursary recipients enrolled in the Report 190/1 and NC(V) qualifications in an academic year - NC(V) L4: 59% N1-N3: 52% N4-N6: 52% Target not achieved NC(V) L4: 39% N1-N3: 43% N4-N6: 43% Number of institutions identified for declaration as Community Colleges 9 public institutions identified for establishment as Community Colleges approved by the Minister by March 2015 Target achieved 9 public institutions identified for establishment as Community Colleges approved by the Minister by 31 March 2015
Programme 5: Skills Development
Purpose: Promote and monitor the national skills development strategy. Develop skills development policy and a regulatory framework For the quarter ending 31 December 2014 (3rd Quarter) 3 Targets: 1 Achieved and 2 Not Achieved For the quarter ending 31 March 2015 (4th Quarter) 6 Targets: 3 Achieved and 3 Not Achieved
Programme 5: Skills Development Performance Indicator
3rd Quarter Target Actual Performance 4th Quarter Target Number of artisan candidates registered nationally 5 500 Target not achieved 4 641 13 000 10 797 Number of artisan candidates found competent nationally 3 500 Target achieved 3 747 4 000 3 988 Number of graduates and students receiving Structured Work Place Learning - 37 016 40 399 % of national artisan learners pass trade test 48% 55% Number of audits conducted at SETA or QCTO accredited trade test centres 15 13 20 10 Number of TVET colleges with partnership agreements with SETAs 30 37
Financial Performance : 3rd Quarter
The Department’s spending during the third quarter amounted to R billion. This represents a decline from the 14.9% of spending during the second quarter due to a decline in claims for other grants payable to higher education institutions in the third quarter of the 2014/15 financial year Cost cutting measures were put in place to ensure that the Department does not overspend on the budget The financial data per programme and economic classification are reflected in the following slides
2014/15 Financial Year : 3rd Quarter Spending per Programme
Main Appropriation R’000 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditure during Third Quarter Total Expenditure for the Financial Year Variance Total Spending % 1: Administration 217 101 62 866 185 599 35 308 84.0 2: Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination 48 785 50 555 12 184 34 198 16 357 67.6 3: University Education 30 448 037 5 29 330 509 1 113 239 96.3 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training 6 042 177 2 316 398 5 584 638 460 533 92.4 5: Skills Development 110 581 27 502 79 681 26 619 75.0 6: Direct Charges (SETAs and NSF) 13 440 000 13 200 000 3 290 593 9 706 225 3 493 775 73.5 Total 50 306 681 50 066 681 44 920 850 5 145 831 89.7
2014/15 Financial Year : 3rd Quarter
Spending per Economic Classification Economic Classification Main Appropriation R’000 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditure during Third Quarter Total Expenditure for the Financial Year Variance Total Spending % Compensation of Employees 84 723 80.4 Goods and Services 54 338 23 139 87.7 Transfer Payments 88.7 Provinces 83.3 Departmental agencies and accounts 81.9 Universities (current) 95.6 Foreign governments and international organisations 2 915 2 983 (68) 102.3 Non-profit institutions 2 127 99.9 Households - 25 58 (33) 232 Capital Expenditure 3 677 3 584 2 947 4 511 (927) 125.9 Machinery and equipment Total 44 920 850 5 145 831 89.7
Financial Performance : 4th Quarter
The Department’s spending during the fourth quarter amounted to R million. This represents a decline from the 48.04% of spending during the third quarter due to the completion of University block grant payments for the 2014/15 financial year during November 2014. The limitations on funds for operational expenditure, including the funding of Examiners and Moderators caused the Department to apply virement across programmes to ensure that no overspending was incurred This was supported through cost containment measures implemented by the Director-General
Financial Performance : 4th Quarter
Reprioritisation was required to accommodate key priority areas within the baseline allocation. This resulted in the shifting of funds between different units, items and a realignment of the current salary bill An amount of R million was reprioritised The final outcome of the 2014/15 financial year is an unspent amount of R1.160 million due to funded posts on the staff establishment that became vacant during the year that could not be filled as projected and the concomitant savings as well as claims not received as projected for the Higher Education Management Information System and for the function shift The financial data per programme and economic classification are reflected in the following slides
2014/15 Financial Year : 4th Quarter Spending per Programme
Main Appropriation R’000 Adjusted Appropriation Final Appropriation Expenditure during Fourth Quarter Total Expenditure for the Financial Year Variance Total Spending % 1: Administration 217 101 48 498 264 99.9 2: Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination 48 785 50 555 46 511 11 485 45 683 828 98.2 3: University Education 30 448 037 1 113 446 19 100.0 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training 6 042 177 451 129 35 5: Skills Development 110 581 26 304 14 6: Direct Charges (SETAs and NSF) 13 440 000 4 132 574 - Total 50 306 681 1 160
2014/15 Financial Year : 4th Quarter
Spending per Economic Classification Economic Classification Main Appropriation R’000 Adjusted Appropriation Final Appropriation Expenditure during Fourth Quarter Total Expenditure for the Financial Year Variance Total Spending % Compensation of Employees 78 804 902 99.8% Goods and Services 26 018 58 100.0% Transfer Payments 172 Provinces - Departmental agencies and accounts 173 Universities (current) Foreign governments and international organisations 2 915 2 983 Non-profit institutions 2 127 Households 25 236 178 237 (1) 100.4% Capital Expenditure 3 677 3 584 5 176 638 5 148 28 99.5% Machinery and equipment Total 1 160
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