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Phenomenological Perspective Humanistic/Existential

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Presentation on theme: "Phenomenological Perspective Humanistic/Existential"— Presentation transcript:

1 Phenomenological Perspective Humanistic/Existential

2 Basic principles Subjective experience
Personality: process not product Here and Now focus (ongoing experiencing) Free Will and Responsibilty vs. Determinism Search for meaning (Frankel)

3 Fundamental Constructs
The Self Personal Constructs Self-actualization

4 Prior influences Allport: individual uniqueness, present, the self
Lewin: “lifespace”, present, fluid reality behavior = f (Person X Environment)

5 Rogers The Self Human nature is innately positive
OVP (actualizing tendency) Necesssary conditions: Acceptance, Empathy, Unconditional Positive Regard Conditions of worth (Incongruence)

6 Maslow Heirarchy of Needs Self-actualization

7 Heirarchy of Needs

8 Kelly Personal Constructs Constructive Alternativism Convenience

9 Assessment Q-Sort Semantic Differential REP Test

10 Positive Psychology emphasis on strength and resilience
striving for happiness

11 Contributions and Limitations
focus on subjective experience focus on free will & responsibility focus on present (be here now) focus on whole & healthy person (positive) difficult to operationalize what about pathology and even “evil” neglect of history and past bias of self-deception

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