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Region One Football Officials Association

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1 Region One Football Officials Association
Rule Topics: Extending the period We Are All Here to Learn

2 Extending the Period – Key Definitions & Understandings
2-7-1: “Down” is action which starts w/ legal snap (scrimmage down) or when ball is kicked on a free kick (kickoff). Down ends when the ball next becomes dead. 2-1-1: “Dead Ball” is a ball not in play. The ball is dead during interval between downs. 3-3-2: Play continues until down ends, even if “0:00” & horn sounds. Always extend period to attempt a Try (unless end of game & no impact on outcome)

3 Extending The Period (3-3-3)
A period must be extended by an untimed down if during last timed down of the period… “Last timed down” = clock shows 0:00 at end of down What happens if clock was running during down in which fouls occurs, & at end of down clock shows 0:02 – is period extended if ‘A’ does not get snap off? *new rule* Extend for any of the following: most accepted fouls (except fouls under 3-3-4) double foul (offsetting) inadvertent whistle If any of these occur during untimed down, the procedure is repeated Rule 3-3-3, Extend for any of the following: accepted foul (unless its one of the fouls noted under below) double foul (offsetting) inadvertent whistle to attempt a Try Rule 3-3-4, Do not extend if: foul for any of the following: unsportsmanlike conduct non-player fouls loss of down foul foul when enforcement results in safety foul when enforcement is on subsequent kickoff -- foul by B on Try/FG and A accepts results of the play (w/ enforcement at succeeding spot)

4 Not Extending The Period (3-3-4)
Do not extend for any of the following fouls: unsportsmanlike conduct non-player fouls loss of down foul Loss of down penalties (intentional grounding, illegal touching, illegal forward pass or handing) foul when enforcement results in safety Example ‘A’ holds in their own endzone foul when enforcement is on subsequent kickoff foul by ‘B’ on Try/FG & ‘A’ accepts results of play (w/ succeeding spot) Rule 3-3-3, Extend for any of the following: accepted foul (unless its one of the fouls noted under below) double foul (offsetting) inadvertent whistle to attempt a Try Rule 3-3-4, Do not extend if: foul for any of the following: unsportsmanlike conduct non-player fouls loss of down foul foul when enforcement results in safety foul when enforcement is on subsequent kickoff -- foul by B on Try/FG and A accepts results of the play (w/ enforcement at succeeding spot)


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