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Welcome to Year 5 Sketty Primary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 5 Sketty Primary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 5 Sketty Primary School

2 Settling into Year 5 We hope that your child has already settled into the new routines and they are happy with the day to day organisation. The children are becoming aware of the increasing expectations. We aim to support and nurture them in developing their own individual skills and talents.

3 The Curriculum Autumn Term
During the Autumn term the children will be studying World War 2. Class Groups – Maths, English and Home Groups.

4 Spring Term This term the children will undertake work linked to the theme of Gallery.

5 Summer Term The children will study topics linked to the Bend & Flow.

6 Home Learning We will be developing your child’s reading throughout the year and would appreciate your support in this. Bug Club reading online.

7 Home Learning Maths weekly Topic every 2 to 3 weeks

8 Home Learning The children take it in turn to create a 5 or 10 minute presentation to the class on a subject that interests them. This may include photos, Power Point, music, artefacts, maps, demonstrations etc.

9 Other Weekly Events Year 5 – Tuesday afternoon
Your child has a weekly P.E lesson for which they will require the appropriate kit. Year 5 – Tuesday afternoon

10 Sketty Primary Website
Our main form of communication is the new Bloggy website This is where you can find documents, calendar of events, photos, consent forms etc.

11 And finally… We hope by the end of this academic year, your child will be a step nearer : Being a more confident, independent learner, Having a good level of self-esteem, Being able to use the skills and knowledge they have used this year to help them in the future.

12 During this year… Please feel free to come to talk to us at the start or end of the tif you have any queries or concerns. You are always welcome. We look forward to working with you to provide the best Year 5 possible for your child.

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