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M.T. Kuhn* and P. M. VanRaden USDA-AIPL, Beltsville, MD

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1 M.T. Kuhn* and P. M. VanRaden USDA-AIPL, Beltsville, MD
Use of early lactation days open records for genetic evaluation of cow fertility M.T. Kuhn* and P. M. VanRaden USDA-AIPL, Beltsville, MD

2 Introduction - National genetic evaluation for female fertility introduced in February, 2003 - Evaluations are based on Days Open (DO) - Current requirement: Records must be a minimum of 250 days in milk

3 Reason for 250 DIM Requirement
- Avoid potential bias - Sires poor for fertility: - Only best daughters available early in lactation  upward bias for poor sires

4 Consequence of 250 requirement:
- Young bulls: - First proof for yield 40 days after daughters initiate first lactation - Must wait 7 more months for DPR evaluation

5 Objectives - Develop a predictor for DO
- Determine how early in lactation it can be used

6 ß5*(DO based on last breeding)
Prediction Equation ŷ = Intercept + Lactation + Calving Ease (CE) + ß1*Age + ß2*Age ß3*Milk + ß4*Milk2 + ß5*(DO based on last breeding) - Models without milk yield also examined

7 Prediction Equation - Model is fit separately for each of 9 DIM groups: 70, 90, 110, 130, 150, 170, 190, 210, 230 Define: DO70 = DO based on breedings up to 70 DIM DO90 = DO based on breedings up to 90 DIM . . DO230 = DO based on breedings up to 230 DIM

8 Evaluation of the Predictor
- Bias: Compare ŷ vs y - Cor(ŷ, y) - Phenotypic - Genetic - Compare: PTAŷ and PTAy

9 DATA - Years available: 1995-1999
3 main things to do: 1) Estimate effects in prediction model, solutions to be used to calculate ŷ’s 2) Estimate genetic correlations 3) Calculate PTAs: PTAy vs PTAŷ DATA - Breeding records from 4 DRPCs - Years available: - Date of breeding, service sire, service number recorded for each service on each cow-lactation

10 Estimation of Genetic Correlations
- Vars/Covs estimated using REML - Model for estimation: y = HYSP + Sire + e - 11 traits: Actual DO, DO70, DO90, …, DO230, Milk - Data from   670,000 records, sires

11 Comparing PTAs - Data from 1995-1998  375,000 records
- Only 1998 records were predicted  127,000 predicted records - Animal model for calculation of PTAs: y = HYSP + A + PE + e

12 RESULTS Percentage of cows with a breeding by DIM
Days Percent Cumulative % >

13 Phenotypic Comparisons
Trait Mean Cor Actual DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO

14 Genetic Correlations of Predicted and Actual DO
Prediction Model Day W/ Milk No Milk Mix

15 Genetic Correlations of Predicted DO with Milk
Prediction Model Day W/ Milk No Milk Mix Gen Cor of milk with Actual DO = .31

16 Cow PTAs Based on Actual vs Predicted Records
Mean* DIM PTAŷ-PTAy Corr *Expressed in standard deviation units w/ Milk in ŷ for all records Milk if no brdg, No milk, o.w.

17 Sire PTAs Based on Actual vs Predicted Records1
Mean2 Corr Rank DIM PTAŷ-PTAy (PTAŷ, PTAy) Corr 1 Predictor included milk if no breeding, no milk if with breeding 2 Expressed in standard deviation units

18 Conclusions 1. Projection of DO records will utilize: - Lactation
- Calving ease score - Age - DO based on last breeding - Milk yield, if no breeding 2. Records can begin to be used at 130 DIM  Reduction of 4 months

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