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Context Peter declares Jesus is the Christ 9:20 Jesus THEN … tells the disciples He will suffer… 9:21 challenges with costly discipleship 9:23-27.

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3 Context Peter declares Jesus is the Christ 9:20 Jesus THEN …
tells the disciples He will suffer… 9:21 challenges with costly discipleship 9:23-27 transfigured 9:28-36 casts out a demon from a boy 9:37-42 repeats what will happen to Him 9:43-45 THEN …

4 Two Common Evils OR Two Sins We Accept
Luke 9:46-50 Two Common Evils OR Two Sins We Accept

5 The 1st Common Evil The Sin of Pride 9:46-48
Jesus Addresses Pride 47-48 For ‘us’ - status, titles, degrees, possessions, size, … - recognize pride in your life and confess as sin - learn that true greatness comes through being ‘least’ - ‘receive the little child’ - don’t compare yourself with others - fix your eyes on Jesus, take a good dose of humility Ph 25-8 - read a book on sin - Pv16:18; Mk 7:22; 1Ti3:6; 2Ti3:2; Ja 4:6; 1Pt 5:5 ‘ us ’

6 The 2nd Common Evil The Sin of Bigotry 9:49-50
Jesus Addresses Bigotry 50 For ‘us’ - religion is prone to bigotry, recognize and repent … - not for ‘us’ to keep ‘them’ from doing work - not for ‘us’ to say to ‘them‘ stop - fix your eyes on Jesus Hb 12:1 - those who ‘wear a different uniform’, still serve the Lord - no church has a monopoly on truth and wisdom, others may be right without agreeing with ‘us’ - Ph1:18; Ac24:16; Nb11:29; 2Co4:5 ‘ us ’ ‘ them ’

7 The Sin of Pride The Sin of Bigotry
Two Common Evils The Sin of Pride The Sin of Bigotry

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