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Juliet Williams Regional Officer South West

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Presentation on theme: "Juliet Williams Regional Officer South West"— Presentation transcript:

1 Juliet Williams Regional Officer South West
Who are we? Juliet Williams Regional Officer South West

2 The projects that we fund…
…help us achieve our three ambitions. That every child in the UK has a childhood that is : Safe happy and secure allows them the chance to reach their potential

3 Projects should make a difference to disadvantaged children and young people, aged 18 and under.
Illness, distress, abuse or neglect Any kind of disability Behavioural or psychological problems Severe poverty and deprivation

4 Our grant programmes Emergency Essentials
Small Grants any amount up to and including £10,000 for one year at a time Main Grants over £10,000 for up to three years

5 4 deadlines a year, quicker turnaround
SMALL GRANTS £10,000 or under for 1 year only Online application 9 week turnaround 4 deadlines a year, quicker turnaround 1 March Early May 1 June Early August 1 September Early November 1 December Early March

6 MAIN GRANTS Over £10,000, up to 3 years 3 deadlines a year
Initial Application – online Invited to full application stage 3 deadlines a year 15th May mid October 15th September mid February 15th January mid June

7 What Difference?

8 Thank you Juliet Williams 01752 234 588 south&

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