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Anatomy of a modern data-driven content product

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1 Anatomy of a modern data-driven content product

2 Client Services Director 67 Bricks
Sam Herbert Client Services Director 67 Bricks @67bricks

3 67 Bricks We help publishers build data-driven content platforms
We use modern content technologies to increase automation, develop new revenue streams and deliver more value to content consumers We are based in Oxford, our clients include:

4 Information products must evolve how they use data to stay relevant and competitive

5 There are multiple drivers for change

6 Information product evolution
User value Knowledge / workflow solution Information product Documents online Print Data maturity

7 We have found it useful to develop a ‘data maturity model’
Your ability to store, manage, create and use data about your content and users We have found it useful to develop a ‘data maturity model’

8 Level 1: Document data Data maturity Store and manage
Extract and create Data use Product value Level 1 Document level metadata User access rights data Usage data Manual metadata creation during editorial processes Access control Document collections Basic faceted search Offline usage analytics Find and access documents online

9 Level 2: Improved granularity
Data maturity Store and manage Extract and create Data use Product value Level 2 Granular content ‘chunk’ level metadata Granular usage data Document structure relationships Inherited document level metadata Granular search More precise usage analytics Find and access relevant sections of content Content production efficiencies

10 Level 3: Smart content Data maturity Store and manage
Extract and create Data use Product value Level 3 Semantic fingerprints for content items Extract content key phrases and entities Content classification Proximity matching Improved faceted search Suggested search Usage trending Enhanced search and discovery Slice and dice content products Support sales

11 Level 4: Personalisation
Data maturity Store and manage Extract and create Data use Product value Level 4 Semantic fingerprints for users ‘Integrated’ usage data User interest metadata User classification Personalised proximity matching User type analytics Personalised discovery experience Improved content marketing

12 Level 5: Knowledge Data maturity Store and manage Extract and create
Data use Product value Level 5 Data relationships Knowledge extraction - as relationships Targeted search Knowledge query capability Knowledge solutions Questions and answers

13 Product development data maturity model
1: Document data 2: Improved granularity 3: Smart content 4: Personalisation 5: Knowledge Store and manage Document level metadata User access rights data Usage data Granular content ‘chunk’ level metadata Granular usage data Semantic fingerprints for content items Semantic fingerprints for users ‘Integrated’ usage data Data relationships (e.g. as triples) Extract and create Manual metadata creation during editorial processes Document structure relationships Extract content key phrases and entities Content classification User interest metadata User classification Knowledge extraction - as relationships Data use Access control Document collections Offline usage analytics Granular search Basic faceted search More precise usage analytics Proximity matching Improved faceted search Suggested search Usage trending Personalised proximity matching User type analytics Targeted search Knowledge query capability Product value Find and access documents online Find and access relevant sections of content Content production efficiencies Enhanced search and discovery Slice and dice content products Support sales Personalised discovery experience Improved content marketing Questions and answers

14 The future for data-driven information products
Predicting high impact research Improving marketing communications Delivering customised / personalised experiences Helping researchers discover content Delivering information services rather than documents Selling data to machine learning companies Automated or semi-automated content creation Understand the links between research objects Augmenting / automating peer review Predicting emerging subject areas Identifying peer reviewers Adaptive learning products Cross selling across content domains Unlocking value in legacy content Automated creation of marketing materials Improve internal content discovery and research

15 Information companies need to plot a course for improved data maturity in their content products to deliver more value to end users…

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