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Making Right Decisions

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1 Making Right Decisions
Prudence Making Right Decisions


3 Leaders need to make decisions
Prudence allows a leader to make the best decision for each circumstance. Prudence is gained over time from life experience, study, reflection, and many other ways.

4 Three parts to prudence
Deliberation Judgment Decision

5 Deliberation Gather information MEMORY of past consult experience
UNDERSTANDING of present know circumstances FORESIGHT of future use imagination DOCILITY to advice

6 Judgment Weigh the pros and cons Examine motives Self-interest
Common good Avoid rationalizing/excuses Put aside prejudices Keep in mind the goal


8 Decision Put it into ACTION Beware of “road blocks” Fear (use Courage)
Distractions (use Self-control)



11 Perception of reality We perceive and interpret things through our lens of character and character is developed by the practice of virtue. Virtues allow us to correctly perceive reality and without this objectivity, we cannot make right decisions.

12 How Vice affects decisions
A proud man will make judgments based on what flatters his ego. An intemperate man based on what will gain him power, pleasure, or money. A small minded man will judge based on what ever will justify his laziness or cowardice.

13 Personality and prudence
Right decisions do not mean that all would make the same decision. Preferences and personality do factor into the decision making process, so a different decision can be reached by two different people and both decisions can be prudent.

14 Prudence in relation to other virtues
Prudence guides all the other virtues. It shows me when courage, self-control, justice, humility, and magnanimity are called for, and how best to manifest them in the concrete circumstances of the moment. Guided by prudence, I will always clearly distinguish courage from cowardice, magnanimity from small mindedness, true humility from false humility, self-control from intemperance, and justice from injustice.

15 Assignment In a blank docs file:
Write a five sentence paragraph about a time when you needed to use the virtue of prudence. Describe the thought put into the decision and the result of the decision. Save this as Prudence Example in a folder called Created for Greatness

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