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*Conference is from 7:55-8:30 each day.

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Presentation on theme: "*Conference is from 7:55-8:30 each day."— Presentation transcript:

1 *Conference is from 7:55-8:30 each day.
Welcome to English I! Sarah Holzbauer (903) *Conference is from 7:55-8:30 each day.

2 About Me I graduated from California State University, San Marcos with a degree in Literature and Writing. I have been married for thirteen years to my husband, Joe. I have two daughters, Lily, 8, and Avery, 5. Both attend Brown Elementary. My hobbies are reading, travelling, and enjoying time with my family. I am entering my fourteenth year of teaching. 6 years in high school and 7 years in junior high I have taught English in every grade, from 7-12. I love what I do!

3 Class Focus Literature:
Various genres (short stories, drama, fiction, nonfiction, etc.) Media In-depth analysis Real life connections Research Use of technology Independent reading to be incorporated in class Annotation

4 Class Focus Writing and Grammar:
OERs (Open Ended Responses/ Literary Analysis) Free writes Expository Persuasive Sentence Analysis

5 Homework / Power Hour What is Power Hour? Gives students an hour to:
eat lunch attend tutorials (mandatory for failing students) participate in club or interest groups utilize College & Career Readiness Center (CCRC) visit with counselors, including college and career options utilize testing center - retests and make-up exams access computers in the library UIL prep time EOC intervention sessions attend lunch detentions Homework Policy: Yes, there will be homework, but it will never be busy work and/or excessive. If there is no homework assigned, students should read at least twenty minutes each day.

6 Absent and Late Work Absent Work:
Students have one day per day missed to turn in papers. Late Work Policy: 1 day late: 90 % is highest possible score 2 days late: 80% 3 days late: 70% 4 days late: 50% 5 days late: 0%

7 Google Classroom and Remind Codes
Class Period Remind Code Google Classroom Code Period 2 Enter 81010 7mi3pr Period 3 819wbd2 Period 4 ble6zq Period 5 bpv9zcg Period 6 rcvnjs8 Period 7 x9vf6c4 Period 8 ktzfit

8 We are a team in your child’s education.
Please don’t ever hesitate to contact me with any question or concern. (903)

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